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  1. X

    Opinions on 10’s

    Sorry to prolong what, as has been pointed out, really is a pointless discussion by posting this, but wow these girls look incredible.
  2. X

    Opinions on 10’s

    It's also the fact that these are pics that detracts from these girls' hotness. See the same ones in real life and you'll be surprised how hot they are. Pics rarely do anyone any favors (even photoshopped stuff).
  3. X

    Xidiot Journal

    After the occasion described in the previous post, I hit up some strip clubs the next few times I went out, hoping the sights would provide me with the "inspiration" to go out and approach. (I really am painfully apprehensive when it comes to approaching. It's a joke, really.) I actually...
  4. X

    Going out.

    I've gone out by myself over a dozen times (at least) this year. This is the sort of thing that I used to be terrified of but I've come to learn it's really straightforward. Virtually no one has any idea that you're there alone, and no one really cares if you admit that you are. The surprised...
  5. X

    Xidiot Journal

    This was my first night out after deciding that it was time to “get back to living” a few months ago. I was in a strange city (small, ~75,000) on business one day, and decided to stick around until to evening and go out by myself (something I wasn't accustomed to) and see how things go. I...
  6. X

    Deep one itis, depression, with a suposed fixed inner self

    I'll make a recommendation that worked wonders for me. Listen to or read some of Nathaniel Branden's material on self-esteem. I'm no superstar DJ, not by a longshot, but what Branden's stuff did for me was help me feel completely comfortable with myself to the point where today I have no...
  7. X

    Can new members start threads?

    Can new members start threads or are they moderated before being posted? Edit I just answered my own question, which was the point of the thread. Apologies for doing this, but I typed a long thread for discussion forum and it wouldn't post so I thought I'd check here before I retyped another...
  8. X

    Xidiot Journal

    Greetings, gentlemen. This journal will feature tales of my DJ exploits and reflections on my attempts to improve my game. All feedback and comments are welcome. There's no requirement to be congenial, so if you're up for it, hit me with your worst. I'll take on all comers. :)...