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  1. B

    21 YO W/son

    how do i insert a photo from my desktop into my message?
  2. B

    21 YO W/son

    thing is that im not sure if im wrong about her........... so..........should i close this chapter? or stay around like a lion and see how she reacts or what? to tell u the truth.......i have already told her about 3 times in 10 about 2 weeks (thats how long we have met) that im very...
  3. B

    21 YO W/son

    how do i insert her photo?
  4. B

    21 YO W/son

    u mean her problems in the past made her too strong and too much of a bbbiiiiittch for me? she says she is cute, loving and caring and stuff like that but i screwed with the comment last night but if u all think i should leave her alone..........ill try to go for her on my own........ i was...
  5. B

    21 YO W/son

    maybe u r right tamales.......... i think she already went trough hell.......... but its not not that kind but i think that if she is tough with me is because she still can deal with maybe she did not go trough so much of a nightmare plus she lives with her...
  6. B

    21 YO W/son

    Im posting all this to u just to get an idea if i can get this girl i dont care if she is sane or insane.......... who the song says: "i want your sex" thats all im attracted to her.........dont care what her intentions r just want some action and want to know if she sounds...
  7. B

    21 YO W/son

    I forgot to tell that I can manage this with calm cause I have a girlfriend (not sure if u remember all my posts last year............) and all i want this girl for is sex........since i have a strong relationship with my girlfriend. And since this other girl (called diana) is being a *****...
  8. B

    21 YO W/son

    I meet a girl........which says she is really interested in me.........she is very beautiful..........very thin.............she is 21 and has a son (4 years old), but she acts strange........cold..........distant..........doesnt looks to me that she is interested..............or at least she is...