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  1. L

    What should I do next ?

    He's stringing you along. Why would he want a relationship with you??? A relationship requires time and money. Why would he want to spend either of those when he can just fck you? No questions asked? He knows what he wants, and he wants to keep his fck buddy (you) on a leash, while he looks for...
  2. L

    Am I in the friendzone?

    Exchanged texts with this girl. Told her I had to go take a test. She responded with, "Good luck, my friend!" The bold part is what I'm questioning. LMK what you guys think. Thanks.
  3. L

    Is my G/F cheating on me?

    Hahahaha, promise? To everyone else that replied I appreciate the time you took to help me out, thanks. Anyways I sat down with her, and just called it off, to many red flags and I was acting out of character. To be honest, she took it a lot worse then I did. When I started to suspect...
  4. L

    Is my G/F cheating on me?

    Awesome advice, definitely opened my eyes. Thanks for the input.
  5. L

    Is my G/F cheating on me?

    So true,thanks a lot for helping me put the situation into another prospective.
  6. L

    Is my G/F cheating on me?

    Your exactly right. I've been on this forum a lot lately to see if anyone else had a similar situation, and like you said, the simple fact that I had to make an account to ask a question is a red flag on its own. But to be honest, I really didn't expect it to go this far, and having been in...
  7. L

    Is my G/F cheating on me?

    I understand what your saying, but I've gotten drinks with other girls before without necessarily telling her. I didn't do this out of not wanting her to know, but it was just a quick drink with a friend. But at the same time, your right, thanks for your input.
  8. L

    Is my G/F cheating on me?

    Yea, unfortunately that's what I was afraid of.
  9. L

    Is my G/F cheating on me?

    This is my first post, so please bear with me. Sorry if this is too long for some. So I've been involved in an off-and-on relationship with my g/f for the past seven years, but have been steady for the past three. We have lived together for about a year now and things have been, in my...