What should I do next ?


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2013
Reaction score
I have a fwb we have been on n off since January . He is so confused one minute he doesn't want a relationship so fwb is good next he wants a relationship and fwb is not good . He likes me but we want different things etc I asked him so many times if this is it should we end our fwb and he avoids the question always !! I asked again the other evening and he messaged yesterday evening telling me he had just got home from work , I ignored this messaged then he messaged again asking if I'm ok ? I have ignored this and haven't replyed I noticed he was online all night on fb obviously wondered why I haven't replied because I usualy do always reply . I'm not going to reply till later this evening and this is a long reply to him hopefully keep him guessing . I'm just annoyed he won't answer my question , all he said the other day was he feels guilty about it and if I met someone or he did he would feel bad :-/ then he says " then again I don't know what I want . What should I do next ? Ask him to tell me what he wants again ? Or ?


New Member
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
He's stringing you along. Why would he want a relationship with you??? A relationship requires time and money. Why would he want to spend either of those when he can just fck you? No questions asked? He knows what he wants, and he wants to keep his fck buddy (you) on a leash, while he looks for something better to come around. When she does, you want hear from him.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
he just enjoys getting the sex when he is horny, thats all