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  1. B

    Just asked to Prom. This might be a chance to ditch the V-Card

    I mean that's it? I really am not sure how things are going to go down.. Its with a group of like 20 people. I don't know how to seclude after prom. I know there will be dinner before, dancing till 12. This is kind of a sympathy date.. The chick is cute and a senior. She's slender and...
  2. B

    Just asked to Prom. This might be a chance to ditch the V-Card

    Hey all Don Juans out there! I was asked tonight about going to the prom with this Senior girl, Jasmine. The prom is this weekend. I am wondering if it would be awkward having a Sophomore going to Prom at this day and age.. I dont know if its okay to have a 10th grader going to 11th...
  3. B

    How to build up reputation at HS?

    (PROTIP: OP means 11 years school TOTAL. he's a junior.) Im struggling with same thing.. sophomore. idk just have to chage your ways. obviously theyre not working.
  4. B

    HS situation, need advice..

    Biscuit calls a **** move. If you were a true alpha, you wouldn't have cared if she didn't respond to your chat; your already having fun in your life and that chat was only a suppliment. Congrats, you experienced social calibration. Social feedback. Now you know! It takes work...
  5. B

    Suggested Reading.

    Hey, I have found an eBook to solve all of your High School troubles. Not really, you still have to apply them to your life. The book goes over that. I am reading "The Popular Life" eBook, and it is revolutionary. I am chugging through the book, feasting my eyes upon the gems this book...
  6. B

    My First! Now where do I go?

    I slapped this chicks ass yesterday. It made me laugh. Not only was it my first assslapping, but it instantaneously boosted my status, for some reason. All of a sudden I had this chick playing with me.. I guess she wanted some hand lol. Oh and the chick didn't take it well in the...
  7. B

    Really? Really? Cb me like that?

    Wow. I read your first sentance then put my phone away and it really clicked. I finished reading your post and I will check out that Snow___'s posts. I totally was about to let T game me out, but I took charge after reading your post. It worked out. I definitely put in some sexual tension, I...
  8. B

    So...I lost this girl...

    Freshmen chicks are so hot. There's this clarinet who is such a sluut.. She's gone out with 3 guys this month. But she's still hot. Id tap that. Btw, OP, where in tx are you? Im a sopho @ khs. In band lol
  9. B

    Really? Really? Cb me like that?

    Hey, what's up DJ? New here. Not new to the field. Checked stuff out, decided to register. Anyways, I have a problem. I game all day, but recently im honing in on this one chick, L. Its not any oneitis, I am indifferent to the outcome. Really. Couldn't care less. Yet, it would be cool to...