HS situation, need advice..


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
hey guys,

SO...ive got this situation at school n its kinda messed up. About a month ago which i was still an AFC, i had a one-itis, and the stupid thing was i was so into this girl that some how she had found out. So i kinda looked desperate and she basically had the higher value.
But after a while which i discovered this site and the whole pickup community, i started to become more of an alpha male(got most traits but not all) and ive improved my game.

So something happens on FB(i think i send her a message and she doesnt reply - theres more to it(this was before becoming alpha)) and i get pissed at her so i remove her from my friends(after becoming alpha lol). And in class i used to make eye contact but now i dnt even giv a F**K. After a while, like a few weeks of me ignoring her, i can see her going crazy n she keeps trying to make eye contact in class(i saw this with the corner of my eye but my heads in another direct.) and at one point she came beside me talking about jiberish just to touch me(it was like she was kinoing me).

So i continue the ignorance...untill one day her best friend comes to me and asks me if there is a feud between me and her on FB n shyt... So i tell her this convo's gonna get awkward and i dnt really care what she says and coincidentally i had to really take a leak at that moment, so i say that to her(not in an offensive way though) and i go to piss. But when i come out while i can see her walkin past me, she tells me i broke the girls heart.

So im like WTF? n when i join my friends my bro tells me he told her that i met someone. Which i actually did (i picked up this girl in a hookah bar, but there was nothing serious goin; just lots of phone game) anyways after that day...its like her personality changes...i think she fckin hates me haha. But the thing is, now that she hates me, shes gonna proabbly shyt talk bout me which means negative social proof? so this is where im stuck, i dnt know wat to do and the neg social proof can really bring me down social wise...i just dnt know what my next move shud be n i kinda feel bad for her cuz i felt that she expected something gud n she got the opposite, even though the alpha male way says dnt giv a F**k.

So if u can tell me what my next move shud be id really appreciate it.

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Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Use paragraphs!

You unfriended her on facebook just because you sent a chat message and she didn't reply? How do you even know she was at the computer? It sounds like you overreacted. It's good to know you're making progress, though. She claims you broke her heart? Just find out more about wtf everyone is talking about. It sounds like she was/is into you, so just play it cool and standoffish while slowly reeling her back in, push-pull, etc.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Use paragraphs!

You unfriended her on facebook just because you sent a chat message and she didn't reply? How do you even know she was at the computer? It sounds like you overreacted. It's good to know you're making progress, though. She claims you broke her heart? Just find out more about wtf everyone is talking about. It sounds like she was/is into you, so just play it cool and standoffish while slowly reeling her back in, push-pull, etc.
haha, true say bro

Btw I didnt unfriend her just because of a chat, theres more to it. But when u say i need to "reel her back in and push-pull" can u be more specific, i mean like how n in what way? Thats more of what im looking for here, pce

"Nothing is easy to the unwilling"


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
Biscuit calls a **** move.

If you were a true alpha, you wouldn't have cared if she didn't respond to your chat; your already having fun in your life and that chat was only a suppliment.

Congrats, you experienced social calibration. Social feedback. Now you know!

It takes work, but the Alpha is attainable. However, I don't prefer to call them alpha males, I call them biscuits. (lol).

Idk just read a little bit more, get out more, become more indifferent.

There is a time when you should be compassionate and understanding and receptive. Use your gut and hopefully you won't blow yourself out for good.

Until Next Time,


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Biscuit calls a **** move.

If you were a true alpha, you wouldn't have cared if she didn't respond to your chat; your already having fun in your life and that chat was only a suppliment.

Congrats, you experienced social calibration. Social feedback. Now you know!

It takes work, but the Alpha is attainable. However, I don't prefer to call them alpha males, I call them biscuits. (lol).

Idk just read a little bit more, get out more, become more indifferent.

There is a time when you should be compassionate and understanding and receptive. Use your gut and hopefully you won't blow yourself out for good.
Dude conside this though, i removed her because wen someone knows u like them u have the lower value...by doing that i had things to my advantage. And about being the alpha male, very true say, im working my way up....hopefully ill get there soon. Recently, with the methods ive learned and been using, im more relaxed and in control. Plus i dont giv a fuk, which helps takes the bull**** stress and anxiety away. Dude being an alpha males is like the ideal life. Cant w8 to get there!!:cool:


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Spade said:
But when u say i need to "reel her back in and push-pull" can u be more specific, i mean like how n in what way? Thats more of what im looking for here, pce
Your situation is kind of general, so it would be hard to give any highly specific advice that hasn't been said here before. Just do a search and go over the Don Juan Bible a bit.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
I don't get whats the point of this thread. :confused:

You're afraid she's going to talk ****?
If she does she might still like you. If she doesn't care she won't.
And anyway if she does and someone says anything point out to them that when someone talks **** they see you as a threat.
or you can reverse it.


Person: Hey ____ said blah blah blah.
Me: (laugh)
Person: What's so funny?
Me: That she talks **** right after we break up. Hmm, if she does that to me what makes you think she wont do that to every other guy.


P: ____ said blah blah blah
Me: Shes stuck on me and doesn't want me banging anyone else.
P: Yeah right.
Me: If she wouldn't have cared she would've kept her mouth shut.
P: She hates you.
Me: If she hated me she would've tried to forget about me. Oh how hard it is to be wanted/hot/sexy.