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  1. N

    If I did right, why do I feel like ****?

    I know it was a mistake. I know I will get over it eventually, but I guess I'm just trying to get reassurance that this will pass. I just have this bad habit of remembering things. I try to focus on working out, reading, and doing my job but every so often, she pops into my head. When will it...
  2. N

    If I did right, why do I feel like ****?

    I know I'm asking why I feel like **** and all and I know it is because of oneitis. I think I just need to get this out...It is a bit long so please bear with me. I met a girl through a friend but it was going to be a distance thing. It was a bad idea; especially since we only seen each other...
  3. N

    Someone remind ElStud of the purpose of numbers. That guy has better advice.
  4. N

    Importance of giving her number.

    I manage to get a girl's number. I find that part not that hard. It's just trying to escalate the relationship that I find difficult (see thread I always end up being friends with the girl, even if I do manage to set up a date. I screw up...
  5. N

    I blew it with jealousy...need some help.

    That be good advice. I should listen to that but having trouble of letting go of a girl if I see one that I want. Oneitist at its best...or worst. However, you want to put it.
  6. N

    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    Not that I'm afraid. I can do it naturally enough but I think it's more along the lines that I just fail at doing it correctly. I'll give examples with how I treated this last girl. Walking back to dorms it was raining and I forgot an umbrella and asked to share hers. I held the umbrella since...
  7. N

    I blew it with jealousy...need some help.

    Interceptor...I like those words. A good way to have a strong personal boundary I find is to have CONFIDENCE and to have confidence is to find a hobby that you love. For me, it's tennis. I love the sport and it gives me confidence which in turn makes me happy and feel good about myself that I...
  8. N

    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    Hell, you can get into clubs at 20. But the city I live in is dead...or at least far from campus. Wish it was Boston. So I really should just next this chick then? Knowing that there are a ton of fish in the sea except that I'm at a pond of like 20 fishes with thousands of hungry...
  9. N

    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    Keeping shouldn't be too difficult...I think it's the banging part that would be more difficult. Total noob and no experience in that field.
  10. N

    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    HAHAHAHAHA Easier said than done
  11. N

    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    Yeah, I probably should have called her on that...whatever. The reason why I thought I have a chance is that I did in fact initiate some more intimate kino to which she did not pull away from. Fricking mixed signals. Guess you're right, time to move on....something I am pretty used to. I might...
  12. N

    Approaching easy....need help with escalation

    Hey DJs I have been a long time reader and find this site so very useful. I love this site since I am still technically a total noob at this whole DJ thing. At least now I am able to approach girls without freaking out and all like I used to back in high school. However, I now require the...