Someone remind ElStud of the purpose of numbers.

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Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
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Just a few observations from a guy on the outside looking in:

1. Your desperate. You even said it yourself, that you were desperate to get some pussi. Females notice that. If you approach a lot of females at one time (gernade macking), your either gonna come off as desperate or bold. If your gonna spit game like that, then you better be ready to go all they way. You can't go half-way and stop. Do you even attempt to get "dates" from the girls you spit game at? Your main goal should be to isolate your target (ie: "come watch a movie in my dorm room") so you can get some type of intimacy, whether that be a kiss, head, or sex. I'll give you some college macking tips. I'm 21 years old and i'm about to graduate from a university so I know how the whole college game works.
College Macking 101:
I'd say forget getting the number. Just try to set up a little "mini" date right then and there. So you can get to know your target. See what she is about, and whether you wanna even waste your precious time and energy to pursue her further.
Or if you must get the number, spit at the target for a minute (get to know her a little bit) then be like "I hate to interrupt you but I gotta go. Type your number in my phone and i'll call you so we can meet up and talk more."

Your gonna fail if you go to bed thinking about pussi and wake up in the mourning with pussi on your mind. Your doomed from the beginning.

2. You should stop worrying about quantity and worry about quality. Find a few girls that have similar interest as you and really get to know them.

3. It seems like your doing all this work, but have no aim. Ask yourself why are you really approaching these girls. Your running around like blind man in a mine field. You might wanna re-think what you really want out these girls. Re-think why you holla at 100 girls a week and still aren't getting any play.

I like that your bold and approaching is no problem for you. Your ahead of the curve actually. Most dudes don't have the confidence to even approach(A closed mouth don't get fed). If you refine your game some more, I could see you being the type of dude who can spit at girls and get in their pants the same night. If you learn how to use your mouthpiece better, get some charisma and wit, you'd be on your way.

If I were you, i'd leave this board. I think you like the attention and like being the black sheep of this board deep down. All these people on here just dog you out anyways. What are you getting out of sosuave? Most of the dudes on this board come off as rookies and "backseat" drivers anyway.

I got a whole podcast by Tariq Nasheed on college macking 101 if you want it. You gotta PM me that you want it though. That goes for anyone else on here too. PM me if you want the podcast...


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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