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  1. C

    Seeking advise with older women situation

    Quick one JoeStud, the golden rule to NOT come off as bitter is to be friendly of sort, in the sense like we're talking normally and with a friendly smile :) Disinterested in HER, but not UNFRIENDLY, right? I do have this brooding tendency, i guess i better not appear that way on Thursday. One...
  2. C

    Seeking advise with older women situation

    She called me today, work related. But over the line, she was all giggling and seemingly making it all like the usual. This time, i held my power. As she giggles there, i didn't entertain her. I was direct and to the point, as professional as can be. And i made sure i end the conversation first...
  3. C

    Seeking advise with older women situation

    Thanks a lot everyone. I see that i'm looking at it the wrong way, and my mistakes are probably irreversible. Deep down, i came here probably hoping and wishing there's something i can do to turn this around. That i still can salvage this. All your advises are sound, and all are possible. But...
  4. C

    Seeking advise with older women situation

    Thanks for all the replies. I appreciate it, really. Joe Stud: Yeah, gonna put that into practice. However i'm a little fuzzy on the whole being friendly but not giving her my attention bit. What's the line between those two? sodbuster: In modern society, quite a number women are actually...
  5. C

    Seeking advise with older women situation

    Wise DJs, First time poster here, although read this board for some time. I humbly come here and raise my hands up in saying i really need some sound advise on my situation... I was pursuing a women 5 years older than me from last September, she's the architect and i'm the engineer for a...