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  1. C

    Realistically, how hard do men at the bottom of the racial totem pole have to work?

    It all comes down to language and personality. Anyone can go buy themselves expensive clothing, gadgets, etc. Assuming looks are average, whats differentiating you from the competition is how you talk to the girl and how you get her attention. My rule of thumb, if you can make a girl truly...
  2. C

    How important is space?

    What's this supposed to mean? Did I somehow cause irreparable damage to your life with my post?
  3. C

    How important is space?

    So I've been dating my current gf for more than a year now. We see each other about 5 to 6 times a week. I don't have any problem with this arrangement and I know that she likes having a day to herself to do her own thing. This is different than with my previous exs where we would spend...
  4. C

    A new approach

    I have applied this approach and it does work, the only negative comments was when I overdid it. With regards to humourous comments about her interests, she felt that I couldn't be serious because I was always joking. With regards to humourous complements, she felt that she was living a lie...
  5. C

    A new approach

    I have found that I have a problem being a jerk, I've never been a jerk and don't really know what's the fine line between an attractive jerk and a downright a$$hole. So, I have spent some time looking for alternatives and here are my findings. To my understanding, the problem with nice guys...
  6. C

    Is this the end?

    I've always known she had poor social skills, but I did not know that she hates people talking to her (this is actually the first time I heard of this, it kind of makes me wonder how I ever hit it off with her). That was also the only time I backed off from a belief, all of the other times I...
  7. C

    Is this the end?

    I really couldn't tell you if me seeing her too much was the cause since she was the one who kept calling me and wanted to see me, so I don't think space was an issue. Also, is keeping the mystery alive really necessary after seeing a person for more than 6 months? Isn't the mystery supposed...
  8. C

    Is this the end?

    Well, I had a quick chat with her, apparently she wants to move on. Which is fine, I'm done griefing over this, I going to find someone else. Thanks for everyone's advice.
  9. C

    Is this the end?

    What really makes me clueless is how it ended up getting so bad so quickly. We see each other for at least 2 hours a day and we even started planning a life together(I mean buying a place, kids, career and so forth). None of the classic signs of a relationship deterioration was present We...
  10. C

    Is this the end?

    What really makes me clueless is how it ended up getting so bad so quickly. We see each other for at least 2 hours a day and we even started planning a life together(I mean buying a place, kids, career and so forth). None of the classic signs of a relationship deterioration was present We...
  11. C

    Is this the end?

    The story is as follows: I have been dating a girl for the last 9 months. We've had conversations about what we would do if we were to get married, so things like where we would live, how many kids we would have, our finanaces and so far. While we've had some differences about where we would...