A new approach


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
I have found that I have a problem being a jerk, I've never been a jerk and don't really know what's the fine line between an attractive jerk and a downright a$$hole. So, I have spent some time looking for alternatives and here are my findings.

To my understanding, the problem with nice guys is that they are boring, everything I have read so far points to boredom as being our kryptonite in the flirting game. So the first goal is simple, don't be boring. I'm a wrestling fan and Bret Hart noted that one of Vince Mcmahon's golden rule of the industry is it doesn't matter if your audience gives you a good or bad reaction, it's only when you get no reaction that you have something to worry about. I have found that this applies to the flirting game, for our purposes, women are our audience.

The jerk routine obvious triggers bad reactions, which maintains a woman's attraction for reasons that aren't important, don't question why it works, just know that it works. Since tons of data exist for this routine, I won't discuss it here. Instead, I will be discussing alternative routines to trigger good reactions and that will be just as effective.

The routine that I have found to be effective is humour. Being able to make a woman laugh uncontrollably is extremely effective at attracting her attention. The trick to making a woman laugh uncontrollably is reading her ********. I have found that each woman has her own ********, this is why we have been unable to decode general ********. Reading a woman's ******** first involves finding out her interests, her interests will dictate how she reacts. Finding out a woman's interests is actually relatively simple, seeing what she wears, her hobbies, where she hangs out and just simple observation of her habits is a good start.

The next thing is to find something humourous about her interests because her interests is obviously something she likes, therefore something humorous about her interests will produce a good reaction, provided she finds it funny. So for example, a girl I know likes ball room dancing, but is embarrassed to go on the dance floor because she feels out of place when she is surrounded by people that are so much better than her. A humorous response would be: Well, you can wear shoes too big for your feet, that way, they will fall off when you dance and cause the people around you to stumble and fall like dominoes as they trip over your shoes. That way, you will look like a graceful pro among the field of fallen dancers. Another example would be a girl that I know who is thinking about row boating, I would say, I love people who go rowing, because when they go rowing down a river, I like to hide by the river bank with a paint ball gun and start shooting when they pass by. They are sitting ducks because they have nowhere to go.

Assuming she finds what you say funny, you will not be boring and you would have caught her attention while not being a jerk towards her. Another tactic would complementing her in a humorous way. I have found that this tactic works most effectively in the correct situation. For example, say I'm talking to a girl and say another girl is looking at us and we both notice her staring at us. A humorous complement would be: Would you look at that girl staring at you. That girl has a crush on you, wow, you're so pretty both guys AND girls want you.

Of course, all this depends on the girl having a sense of humour. Also, I have found that you shouldn't over do it. I think girls would like balance of humor and other things, plus if you do it too often, you will quickly run out of good topics to make fun of. So ideally you want to inject a few humourous comments at the beginning to spark her interest and then you ration others in over the course of a normal conversation to make it more enjoyable. What I suggest is obviously subjective, so please feel free to debate, criticize, flame, etc.


Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
is this theory, or have you applied this approach in real life yet?

as far as I'm concerned, what women want is important to me only with respect to my ability to get what I want from my relationships with women

Its about pleasing myself and if I have to please her to accomplish that, then that's what I'll do. Otherwise, who cares what she wants?

Its her job to get what she wants


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
Aaron B said:
is this theory, or have you applied this approach in real life yet?

as far as I'm concerned, what women want is important to me only with respect to my ability to get what I want from my relationships with women

Its about pleasing myself and if I have to please her to accomplish that, then that's what I'll do. Otherwise, who cares what she wants?

Its her job to get what she wants
I have applied this approach and it does work, the only negative comments was when I overdid it. With regards to humourous comments about her interests, she felt that I couldn't be serious because I was always joking. With regards to humourous complements, she felt that she was living a lie because I was advertising her as someone with so many positive qualities when she didn't have them (yea, I don't really understand this explanation either).

In both instances, the solution is to balance the more humourous comments with serious topics, something like 60% to 70% serious topics and 40% to 30% humour, depending on her mood. This isn't really that hard because if you follow the news, there is tons of material to use.

I'll let you know beforehand that this isn't for everyone because understanding humour that the general public finds funny isn't easy. But for those who can make anyone laugh or are willing to learn how to make anyone laugh, this is an alternative.
