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  1. O

    Summer: How everyone spending their time?

    I feel what you're saying, cheat. When i have school, its takes all my energy to juggle school, work and bdancing. It's funny, cuz if you think bout it, it really takes 10 mins to walk out, find a chick and run a mission. But it's getting out of the door that's hard, especially when...
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    Summer: How everyone spending their time?

    So now that its summer break (assuming you have a summer break where you live), i'm curious as to what everyones doing to occupy their time? I love breakdancing, and do alot of that, maybe 2-3 hours a day, and i try to throw in an hour of weight training as well, but the day still feels...
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    T. here man. I think I've been kinda out of my game lately, haven't had much luck in the recent weeks. Got a couple of msns and numbers a few weeks ago, but that didn't go too far. Heh. I live in sauga, but i travel down to Scar. and downtown regularly. Hey, if anyone is interested...
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    Please help. Anger problems.

    I back handed her across the face, not very heavily, but yeah, it was physical, and I realized it was wrong after I did it. But you guys know when you're angry, you don't think straight, especially after some chick I don't even know starts wiping dirt and slapping me out of the blue...
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    Please help. Anger problems.

    hey, if I make a mistake, I'm man enough to face it. I really didn't know what to do in the situation. Hitting someone is wrong, yeah, but I guess its a learning experience. What should I have of done instead?
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    Please help. Anger problems.

    Today, I was just chillin in class, and this chick came up to me and started wipping dirt on my shirt. So I went up to her: "Yo, what the hell do you think you're doing?" and she ignored me. So I ignored that. Five minutes later, she comes right in front of me, so I ask her again. Again...
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    Please help. Anger problems.

    yea, thanx everyone. I realized this anger aint constructive, but with things like this, its hard to get rid of it overnight. See, my anger does fuel, but not in a good way. I guess Im angry cuz Im not seeing any results.
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    Please help. Anger problems.

    Thanx ever onward. You said don't let a chick disrespect you. If they do, what do you do? I've heard that if a chick tries to hit you, just take her hand and hold it down, then : "hey, i don't appreciate that, okay?" And about approachign chicks, see, somehow I think its wrong. I think...
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    Please help. Anger problems.

    Yea bro. See, I was depressed cuz here I was workign my butt of to get a chick, and when I approached them, they would act like *****es. I got angry. What the **** gives them the rite to act like prissy princessess, while I"m working my butt off? I'm not depressed anymore cuz I...
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    Please help. Anger problems.

    I've been trying to pick up chicks for over a year now, and have been learning things from this site. Although I've had some slight improvement, I am still withotu a girlfriend. I used to be depressed at this, but now I'm much better. However, I realized I have an underlying anger towards...