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  1. T

    Realistically, how hard do men at the bottom of the racial totem pole have to work?

    it isn't about settling down, it is about one night stands and hookin up for the short term
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    Realistically, how hard do men at the bottom of the racial totem pole have to work?

    setting is IN AMERICA and no, woman all over the world do not droll over good looking american men, they droll over good looking men what is so tough about attracting white girls for varun? pleas, tell us
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    Realistically, how hard do men at the bottom of the racial totem pole have to work?

    I understand I have posted a lot of race threads but this is the end. Say you have two guys, James and Varuun. James is a 6 ft tall ripped White American male with Blonde hair and blue eyes. Varuun is a 6 ft tall ripped Indian American (Americanized Indian) with Black hair and brown eyes...
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    Are American and Western European women the same in the kind of men they like?

    true but the gist of the question was 1. are european women less worried about a man's race as opposed to american women that highly value it? 2. can a brown or minority man do just as good as a white man in europe? ALSO, uh, ya, white guys date out A LOT. So many out there with...
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    Are American and Western European women the same in the kind of men they like?

    true but what if ANY minority (brown mexican, indian, or asian) wants to do what White guys do, try something different for a change?
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    Are American and Western European women the same in the kind of men they like?

    okay let me ask it more accurately on a BROAD scale, do European and American women have the same taste in men? Like would European women hate the same kind of men that American women hate ethnically speaking? (Asian and Brown)
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    How do men who aren't a woman's fantasy preference deal with it?

    So if you were to randomly survey women on what kind of men they fall for, the following men would win or get a lot of votes: Italian guys Spaniard guys Blonde guys with blue eyes Black guys Latino men from places like Puerto Rico or Brazil and such White males with British or...
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    Are American and Western European women the same in the kind of men they like?

    tell em to come over here to America, women will LOVE THEM! Their casanova dreams will be complete, in fact, they would easily sleep with more women than casanova I am telling you, American women are VERY MEDIA MINDED, if Hollywood says its hot, then IT IS HOT
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    Are American and Western European women the same in the kind of men they like?

    so you are telling me French women are just as bigoted, close minded, and shallow as American women?
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    Are American and Western European women the same in the kind of men they like?

    So comparatively speaking, are there European countries where Asian and Brown men will struggle EVEN MORE than they struggle in the US and Canada?
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    Are American and Western European women the same in the kind of men they like?

    okay here are some questions 1. what kind of men (personality wise) do well there? 2. is it true that asian and brown (latino and indian) men can do extremely well in some european countries?
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    Are American and Western European women the same in the kind of men they like?

    Like American women are into buff bad boys with high levels of self confidence and all that. Racially, most American women are into White or Latin men (being either one earns you bonus points) with some having a Black man fetish. Other races of men may not fare as well here generally speaking. A...
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    Regarding race and attraction in the Western World, which is more true?

    depends on quality most white girls I have seen with black guys were - a bit chubby - really ghetto themselves
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    Regarding race and attraction in the Western World, which is more true?

    might have been a really bad idea to use a male model my friend used david gandy on okcupid and so many women picked up on it, women know about fashion models, why not use an asian man like viperGQ?
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    Regarding race and attraction in the Western World, which is more true?

    well, this guy here did a race experiment on
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    Regarding race and attraction in the Western World, which is more true?

    did you use men that were equally attractive?
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    Regarding race and attraction in the Western World, which is more true?

    1. White are at the top and then after them are minorities. It is hard to determine who comes after Whites because in some places Blacks will top Latinos, in others Latinos will top Blacks, and in some Asians will top both. 2. Whites are at the top, after them black or hispanics, after them...