Are American and Western European women the same in the kind of men they like?


Sep 7, 2012
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Like American women are into buff bad boys with high levels of self confidence and all that. Racially, most American women are into White or Latin men (being either one earns you bonus points) with some having a Black man fetish. Other races of men may not fare as well here generally speaking. A lot of American women love arrogant jerks (being one isn't a bad thing).

Would you say French, Italian, German, and Swedish women are example are pretty much the same way?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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temporaryBrah said:
Would you say French, Italian, German, and Swedish women are example are pretty much the same way?
Absolutely not. I have lived in Europe extensively. Totally different ball game. I have watched guys from the US fail miserably in countries like Holland, Sweden, and Germany.

Let me know if you are going to Europe I can post some tips.


Sep 7, 2012
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HeadLightsOn said:
Absolutely not. I have lived in Europe extensively. Totally different ball game. I have watched guys from the US fail miserably in countries like Holland, Sweden, and Germany.

Let me know if you are going to Europe I can post some tips.
okay here are some questions

1. what kind of men (personality wise) do well there?

2. is it true that asian and brown (latino and indian) men can do extremely well in some european countries?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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temporaryBrah said:
okay here are some questions

1. what kind of men (personality wise) do well there?

2. is it true that asian and brown (latino and indian) men can do extremely well in some european countries?
It is pretty difficult to generalise to that extent, but I would say that the bravo/pushy/hi five type crew aren't as well received as what they may be back in the US.

It also depends on what part of Europe. For women I break it up into these areas:

- Northern/Scandinavian
- Western
- Southern
- Eastern/Former-Current communist countries

For instance, a lot of Dutch women I have met are VERY straight forward, quite bossy, unsexy and do not know how to flirt. They have become so equal that they have basically lost their femininity. They also view southern and eastern woman as lower level, because the women from those areas DO flirt, dress sexier etc. So they moan about not finding a real man, but dominate their men terribly. I basically direct them - in a non rude manner - about what we should do and they respond.

The eastern women are different again. For example, you will see Russian girls (gorgeous btw), who will look at you blankly. Like they are wearing a mask. They wait to see if you have the balls to approach, rebuff you again, and wait to see what you do. Completely different from the US.

Asian and brown guys probably have more luck in the blonde areas - northern europe for example, and in some european countries are looked down upon by the women. But as I say, its so hard to generalise.

I tell you what though - europe is my favourite place to meet and date women. Ive been going there for years :rock:

Get amongst it!


Sep 7, 2012
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So comparatively speaking, are there European countries where Asian and Brown men will struggle EVEN MORE than they struggle in the US and Canada?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I'm really sorry to crush any of your dream of a promise land but I would rather you save money and avoid being disappointed so put in your head that there are no places which are a easy pvssy paradise where you will experience what women experience in your nation.

Except for Russia and some former URSS country (not all since ryan air flooded some with western men who ruined the place) all women will bust your balls, annoy the sh1t out of you and make your life more complicate.

The same stuff that works in your country works outside of it, so look to have a shot and decend game to hit the target.

I could fill a page with stories about poor short guidos chasing the casanova dream in latvia as much as noisy drunk english guys behaving like they were kings in lithuania both ending up with the bottom of the barrell,a empty wallet and a pissed off mood...only to come back home create stories and feed the circle.

I'm sorry to tell you but hot girls are in demand everywhere and cheap flights and study programs simply equalized different markets.

It's much more probable for you to get girls through becoming criminals and get money and reputation than travelling somewhere for week where others like you already spoiled the ground.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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Who Dares Win said:
Except for Russia and some former URSS country (not all since ryan air flooded some with western men who ruined the place) all women will...

The same stuff that works in your country works outside of it, so look to have a shot and decend game to hit the target.
You are indeed correct with the comments about former USSR and Ryan Air.

However I do believe there are differences in the approach, banter and kino utilised with women in europe compared to USA. And again between women in all the different parts of europe. There is no way, in my experience, that a Russian woman responds the same as a German woman to being approached and flirted with.

Just my 2 cents worth.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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temporaryBrah said:
So comparatively speaking, are there European countries where Asian and Brown men will struggle EVEN MORE than they struggle in the US and Canada?
There is no holy grail for any of us. You MUST use what you have in the best manner possible, when trying to hook up with women. If you wanted any ray of light, then I have always thought if you look and seem different in a country, the woman can have a basic interest, that may not be there with their own menfolk.

I had that in South America. I looked totally different to the local guys, and my approaches, I felt, were easier and more successful.

I guess you could try and find your 'market' and see if there is any easier way in.

But as has been mentioned in this thread - women are women. The world over :confused:


Sep 7, 2012
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so you are telling me French women are just as bigoted, close minded, and shallow as American women?


Sep 7, 2012
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Who Dares Win said:
I'm really sorry to crush any of your dream of a promise land but I would rather you save money and avoid being disappointed so put in your head that there are no places which are a easy pvssy paradise where you will experience what women experience in your nation.

Except for Russia and some former URSS country (not all since ryan air flooded some with western men who ruined the place) all women will bust your balls, annoy the sh1t out of you and make your life more complicate.

The same stuff that works in your country works outside of it, so look to have a shot and decend game to hit the target.

I could fill a page with stories about poor short guidos chasing the casanova dream in latvia as much as noisy drunk english guys behaving like they were kings in lithuania both ending up with the bottom of the barrell,a empty wallet and a pissed off mood...only to come back home create stories and feed the circle.

I'm sorry to tell you but hot girls are in demand everywhere and cheap flights and study programs simply equalized different markets.

It's much more probable for you to get girls through becoming criminals and get money and reputation than travelling somewhere for week where others like you already spoiled the ground.

tell em to come over here to America, women will LOVE THEM! Their casanova dreams will be complete, in fact, they would easily sleep with more women than casanova

I am telling you, American women are VERY MEDIA MINDED, if Hollywood says its hot, then IT IS HOT


temporaryBrah said:
so you are telling me French women are just as bigoted, close minded, and shallow as American women?
It depends on the woman.


Sep 7, 2012
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okay let me ask it more accurately

on a BROAD scale, do European and American women have the same taste in men? Like would European women hate the same kind of men that American women hate ethnically speaking? (Asian and Brown)


temporaryBrah said:
okay let me ask it more accurately

on a BROAD scale, do European and American women have the same taste in men? Like would European women hate the same kind of men that American women hate ethnically speaking? (Asian and Brown)
It depends on the women, there will be European women who like non-white men and European women who won't like non-white men. European women tend to be more Liberal in their outlook, but it won't be your skin colour which gets you laid, it will be your 'technique' and how you behave that will be the deciding factor.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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temporaryBrah said:
okay let me ask it more accurately

on a BROAD scale, do European and American women have the same taste in men? Like would European women hate the same kind of men that American women hate ethnically speaking? (Asian and Brown)
Europe is not a homogeneous continent, you will find tall blonde people who venerate no god in some part only to find dark bronzed ones who base their routine on a culture influenced from the church and then again you will find blondes who live like the bronzed ones in an other corner.

There are women who would never date a non white as much as women who would only to prove how progressist they are or to piss off their parents.

You simply cannot speak about "Europe" being Europe made of many different countries all different from each other in people and culture.

As a general rule if you are indian I would avoid any country where many indians live since there are many bad stereotypes about them (like in england), I would avoid also most of eastern europe since local guys barely tolerate other europeans going after their women let alone someone who look alien to them, plus girls there are still under society control.

If you are a brown indian in terms of efficiency I would suggest you to avoid also southern european countries since from few years they have been invaded from illegal souther asian who do the crappiest job and dont enjoy a good reputation.

Cant tell about Scandinavia since I had no chance to live there even briefly but I know for sure those 3 are safe countries if you avoid hot spots.
Plus girls are totally independant from men and society back them up no matter what they do.

Anyway what about India, Im sure nobody would bother an indian in India.


Indian men don't do too badly in Britain. I have seen numerous Indian men with white women, so it's not as uncommon as you think.


Sep 7, 2012
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Who Dares Win said:
Europe is not a homogeneous continent, you will find tall blonde people who venerate no god in some part only to find dark bronzed ones who base their routine on a culture influenced from the church and then again you will find blondes who live like the bronzed ones in an other corner.

There are women who would never date a non white as much as women who would only to prove how progressist they are or to piss off their parents.

You simply cannot speak about "Europe" being Europe made of many different countries all different from each other in people and culture.

As a general rule if you are indian I would avoid any country where many indians live since there are many bad stereotypes about them (like in england), I would avoid also most of eastern europe since local guys barely tolerate other europeans going after their women let alone someone who look alien to them, plus girls there are still under society control.

If you are a brown indian in terms of efficiency I would suggest you to avoid also southern european countries since from few years they have been invaded from illegal souther asian who do the crappiest job and dont enjoy a good reputation.

Cant tell about Scandinavia since I had no chance to live there even briefly but I know for sure those 3 are safe countries if you avoid hot spots.
Plus girls are totally independant from men and society back them up no matter what they do.

Anyway what about India, Im sure nobody would bother an indian in India.

but what if ANY minority (brown mexican, indian, or asian) wants to do what White guys do, try something different for a change?


temporaryBrah said:
but what if ANY minority (brown mexican, indian, or asian) wants to do what White guys do, try something different for a change?
White guys aren't notorious for dating outside of their race. They aren't ashamed of being their race and don't feel inferior to other races. They aren't as weak-minded as non-white people who one hand preach about how great their race is and then proceed to dilute it.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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temporaryBrah said:

but what if ANY minority (brown mexican, indian, or asian) wants to do what White guys do, try something different for a change?
I believe in freedom, so if any non white wants to go after white girls I'm fine with that and he has to fear nothing from me, not even jokes or gossip.

But for the same reason a white girl is free as well to avoid such guy and open herself only for those who she wants.

You just cannot say I like "X race" instead of "Y race" only to say that people from "X race" have a preference as well and that preference is not you.


Who Dares Win said:
I believe in freedom, so if any non white wants to go after white girls I'm fine with that and he has to fear nothing from me, not even jokes or gossip.

But for the same reason a white girl is free as well to avoid such guy and open herself only for those who she wants.

You just cannot say I like "X race" instead of "Y race" only to say that people from "X race" have a preference as well and that preference is not you.
I agree, if two people want to hook up, then hook up and who cares what anyone else thinks. Its your lives at the end of the day. I couldn't care less what anyone else is doing, I only care about myself and what I'm doing. I don't think interracial dating is as big of a problem for white people as it is for non-white people, or at least that's the impression I get.