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  1. G

    Do Not Fap!

    What's a dude without his balls and c0ck. Nothing.
  2. G

    Do Not Fap!

    I'm 20 years young. I'm a Professional Athlete. Soccer... if you want to know. All the threads about not fapping are true. DO NOT FAP FREQUENTLY. I do not fap! I'm not gonna say I never do it but I do it maybe once every 3 - 5 months. Take supplements Magnesium and zinc and...
  3. G

    Some questions before I start my 'approach' career

    Try talking to her more often dude, make small talk.. ask her stuff like, what she likes or what she enjoys doing for fun when she isn't working.. make her laugh when you talk to her... Just don't try talking to her 24/7 or you will come of as creepy, needy, and annoying. Looks for signs of...
  4. G

    Do you djs ever cheat?

    Lets say you got a good girl, good looking too, committed. but some other chick way more hot wants to hook up just for the sex, what do you guys do ?
  5. G

    Other dudes trying to hit on your GF

    I was at the park the other day with a friend and his GF and as we were leaving some dudes Older guys they were whistling at his girlfriend blurting out stupid s*** like " let me get your number" " leave him and come to something better" and other things he simply ignored them and kept walking...
  6. G

    HB9.. Finally got to meet with her. READ!

    Yeah man, Do you suggest I just keep at it ?
  7. G

    HB9.. Finally got to meet with her. READ!

    Thanks man, I was kinda thinking the same thing.
  8. G

    HB9.. Playing games.. Any Tips??

    yooo!! So we meet up outside my pad we chilled in her car. we had a great conversation. When it was time to go I made a move and tried to kiss her and she didn't want to saying "You think I'm that easy" I asked " no, is it to early" ? and she said " Yes it is " I persisted and tried a couple...
  9. G

    HB9.. Finally got to meet with her. READ!

    LMFAO! ... Dude she even told me, " I wanna take it slow " .
  10. G

    HB9.. Finally got to meet with her. READ!

    So we meet up outside my pad we chilled in her car. we had a great conversation. When it was time to go I made a move and tried to kiss her and she didn't want to saying "You think I'm that easy" I asked " no, is it to early" ? and she said " Yes it is " I persisted and tried a couple more times...
  11. G

    How I Went From the Chaser to the Chased Through Text

    She obviously has to be interested in you man.Try talking to her more and get to know her more (Without showing that you're needy). In time you should meet with her (have a drink with her etc..) have FUN with her. If she didn't text back, don't keep texting/Facebook messaging her and show that...
  12. G

    HELP!: High Interest Level Hot Girl w/ Boyfriend

    I'm not saying she's doing it for ego, I just mentioned that a lot chicks do do that. Just Don't overthink things to much. If she's committed to spending her weekend with you then there you go. Try to make it happen, be smart and take charge of the situation. -GearsGod
  13. G

    HELP!: High Interest Level Hot Girl w/ Boyfriend

    It looks to me that you two are making pretty good chemistry. But don't overlook things too quick, many bytches do this for attention. They lure you into believing that they are interested for their own ego and once you show them how you feel emotionally they get scared off and go back with...
  14. G

    HB9.. Playing games.. Any Tips??

    LOL, Thanks Man!
  15. G

    Called girlfriend out on..

    You should never call out a B!TCH on cheating! They’ll think you’re insecure and they don’t like that. They’ll also think you see them as a slvt for calling them out on it, especially if they aren't cheating. It’s also a B!tch trait and non-attractive to them. Don’t make assumptions. If you have...
  16. G

    HB9.. Playing games.. Any Tips??

    Awesome! Thanks Bro!
  17. G

    She's baaaaack....

    She's confused. In her past she probably had guys that would suck up to her when she broke up with them. She’s being nosey because since you didn’t give that attention to her or the break-up like what most dudes would do and what she Is use to. The whole time you cut contact with her she was...
  18. G

    HB9.. Playing games.. Any Tips??

    Dude it’s funny that you mention that I have a reputation as a player Because when we got in contact again (when her and her bf broke up) I tried to romance her a BIT after a few days of talking to her and she said “ NO, YOU’RE A PLAYER” LOL.. I obviously said to her that I wasn’t lol so after a...
  19. G

    HB9.. Playing games.. Any Tips??

    I tried to make it as short as possible.... So I meet this girl in High school shes 18 now and im 19 … she got introduced to me by one of my friends, we made good chemistry but I really never took her serious. Back in high school we messed around.. Kissing Etc.. No sex, though we talked about...