HB9.. Playing games.. Any Tips??


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
I tried to make it as short as possible.... So I meet this girl in High school shes 18 now and im 19 … she got introduced to me by one of my friends, we made good chemistry but I really never took her serious. Back in high school we messed around.. Kissing Etc.. No sex, though we talked about but it never happened because she left my high school and got pregnant... I didn’t really care much about the situation. About a year later we got in contact again and her and her Bf broke up.. I took the opportunity to go in for the kill.. at the time she was obviously hurt and SUPER INSECURE about trying to get with any guys! but I worked my magic and she ended up digging me again.. I’m not the type of dude that gets attached easily and kisses ass to any chick.. About 5 days ago I told her to come see me when she got out of work at 11, I called her when she got out and she didn’t answer, I only called once.. she didn’t return a text or a call.. my mindset was basically “ **** this b****” and started to talk to my other side chicks.. I cut all contact and she ended up texting me a few days later.. asking what had “ happened to me “ And that she “ missed me” I told her nothing had happened, and I completely ignored what she said about “missing me”. We started talking and she said if I missed her.. again I Ignored her question and moved to another subject.. we started having a pretty good convo then I told her to come see me at night, I said” after work your coming to see me” and she said “I am ? You’re making plans for me?” and I responded yes lol .. she replied “ Idk where you live” she obviously does (playing games) So I said “ (gave her my address) Now you do” And now doesn’t text back.. I’m really about kick her to the curve.. But I really want to go F*** her! Whats going on ? I’ve been with plenty of chicks and never had this problem with any other. I will never talk to her again if she flakes... Any tips on what I should do ????????


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
It's good that you're being a man, and maintaining the frame. But hell, this girl is 18, she's probably fresh out of HS and all she knows about relationships is a few jerks that fvcked her over and blowing someone from the football team. Take it easy man. No girl wants to feel like a slvt. Even I can sense that you just want to use her as a cvm dumpster, and there's nothing wrong with that, but be more slick about it. You remind me of my younger self. You seem like you have a reputation as a player, and you take pride in it. This reputation will come with advantages, as well as disadvantages. You could move on and go to the next, but sometimes we just gotta bang the hottest girl in town for bragging rights. Guess what? These girls take a little bit of work. Romance her a bit, but keep your frame. I think you jumped the gun on the last conversation, and while there is no excuse for flaking, I can see exactly why she did. I say give her one more chance, but try talking her up a bit. Get it flirty, get it hot, then go for a spontaneous meet up. If she flakes again, can her.



Don Juan
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Dude it’s funny that you mention that I have a reputation as a player Because when we got in contact again (when her and her bf broke up) I tried to romance her a BIT after a few days of talking to her and she said “ NO, YOU’RE A PLAYER” LOL.. I obviously said to her that I wasn’t lol so after a few days of more talking she ended up digging me again… the last part of my post was today, when I told to come see me and She still hasn’t texted me back (I can really care less but of course I wanna f*** her lol) I’m willing to give her another chance, but Should I wait for a response or text her? This is just a situation I’ve never had to deal with.. Btw thanks a lot for the advice man, I appreciate it a lot! You know your stuff!


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
GearsGod said:
Dude it’s funny that you mention that I have a reputation as a player Because when we got in contact again (when her and her bf broke up) I tried to romance her a BIT after a few days of talking to her and she said “ NO, YOU’RE A PLAYER” LOL.. I obviously said to her that I wasn’t lol so after a few days of more talking she ended up digging me again… the last part of my post was today, when I told to come see me and She still hasn’t texted me back (I can really care less but of course I wanna f*** her lol) I’m willing to give her another chance, but Should I wait for a response or text her? This is just a situation I’ve never had to deal with.. Btw thanks a lot for the advice man, I appreciate it a lot! You know your stuff!
Yeah, wait for her to contact you.

The whole "player" thing is just a sh!t test. I'd learn how to handle these types of situations now, because you'll probably run into them a lot. Obviously, never admit you're a player. Some guys like to "turn it around" on them, and it might work for some, but I think it falls too close into making HER feel like a slvt. The key is to make her feel comfortable with you. My favorite thing to do was just deny, deny, deny, but I would do it sarcastically. There's even been times where I'd pull the good 'ol "I'm just looking for the right woman" line. At a certain point, it just becomes a game. It doesn't really matter what you say, but how you make her FEEL.


Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
She's probably been the girl that comes over late, gets pumped, gets dumped, and doesn't want to do it again. She knows you wanna do the same thing. This reminds me an attention *****. A couple questions/suggestions...1) Have you been sexual? If not, don't be shy, be sexual. These girls (from my experience) want a masculine man that isn't afraid of their sexuality, will be sexual, will turn them on sexually, and take what they want, not ask for it.

My go to plan is basically, telling chicks about the bomb ass food I can make. Invite them over for some food, drinks, a nice conversation and dessert. I prep before they get there, get my place sparkling clean and smelling fresh, have them get there in the middle of cooking, have a glass of white wine (Pinot Grigio, Barefoot Moscato/P.G., or Moscatto D'Asti) with her while waiting/cooking, have some nice music playing, have a movie/show on t.v. and one in the DVD as well. Start the flirting, touching, sexuality, etc. in the kitchen while cooking and drinking, keep it going through dinner with eye contact, tone, sexual language, etc. Get it to the couch, turn down the lights, make a move, fvck.

Rinse, lather, repeat. The best part of it is I was going to make the food regardless, I already owned the DVD, the only thing I buy is a bottle of wine for like $8. Home field advantage all day. Once you get it down to a science, the funny part is how predictable it all becomes. You've seen it a million times but it's all shine and jingles to them, lol.

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
GearsGod said:
Dude it’s funny that you mention that I have a reputation as a player Because when we got in contact again (when her and her bf broke up) I tried to romance her a BIT after a few days of talking to her and she said “ NO, YOU’RE A PLAYER” LOL.. I obviously said to her that I wasn’t lol so after a few days of more talking she ended up digging me again… the last part of my post was today, when I told to come see me and She still hasn’t texted me back (I can really care less but of course I wanna f*** her lol) I’m willing to give her another chance, but Should I wait for a response or text her? This is just a situation I’ve never had to deal with.. Btw thanks a lot for the advice man, I appreciate it a lot! You know your stuff!
Girls will know you're a player and still want to fvck you. My standard response is "yeah, but only football and baseball though." Keep it funny and make her think you're all about her. If she pushes you into a corner, I go the "I'm not perfect, everyone has a past, dismiss it and judge me by how I treat you" route. Not those exact words, but that's the double egged sword she needs to tell her friends that same sh!t and make her feel like she's got a chance with you and your not just drying to drain your balls in her.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
She senses that deep down you don't give a toss about her, and is trying to avoid being hurt.

Try and fidn it within you to connect with her and not see her as a receptacle to put your penis into.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Scars said:
Yeah, wait for her to contact you.

The whole "player" thing is just a sh!t test. I'd learn how to handle these types of situations now, because you'll probably run into them a lot. Obviously, never admit you're a player. Some guys like to "turn it around" on them, and it might work for some, but I think it falls too close into making HER feel like a slvt. The key is to make her feel comfortable with you. My favorite thing to do was just deny, deny, deny, but I would do it sarcastically. There's even been times where I'd pull the good 'ol "I'm just looking for the right woman" line. At a certain point, it just becomes a game. It doesn't really matter what you say, but how you make her FEEL.


yooo!! So we meet up outside my pad we chilled in her car. we had a great conversation. When it was time to go I made a move and tried to kiss her and she didn't want to saying "You think I'm that easy" I asked " no, is it to early" ? and she said " Yes it is " I persisted and tried a couple more times I could also tell that she was shy as ****! so basically I left with nothing just a good convo... i know.. buull****.. Should I can her, or keep talking? Wtf happen??