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  1. U

    Girlfriend Problems

    Haha well to be fair one of my best friends was on her floor in first year University and she was widely regarded as the 'prude' because she would shut it down with everyone after just a make out if it even got there. He even warned me about this when I started pursuing her the first night, they...
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    Girlfriend Problems

    This is the thing. Despite the overwhelming evidence, she's only slept with 2 other people; one time each to boot (have many close mutual friends, so I know this is accurate - only thing I'm not 100% sure of is what happened with the guy in the US) and treats me like gold. Regardless at this...
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    Girlfriend Problems

    I realize that jumbled mess probably looks confusing so I'll give you guys a time frame. October 2010: we meet at a friends house, hook up, I sleep over Fri/Sat Oct '10-Aug '11: hang out 20+ times, no sex but everything else / hang out often August 2011: ask her about exclusivity, she shuts...
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    Girlfriend Problems

    What's up guys? So I guess I haven't been here for nearly 4 years. I'm having some trouble with my girlfriend and honestly have no idea where to go for advice. Here's the situation. I've been dating my girlfriend for 6 months. We've known each other for 2.5 years, have hooked up on and off...
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    Years of training ruined by months of sedentary living?

    Alright thanks for the replies thus far guys. I went into a Wal-Mart today to check out if there was anything that I could buy that would help me out. I plan to buy an adjustable pull-up bar so that I can do pull-ups/chin-ups in any doorway. Also I believe that I am going to buy one of those...
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    Years of training ruined by months of sedentary living?

    Alright guys my training has been going very well, I have managed to bulk up to over 205lbs at 5'10 with a fairly low BF% (~10%). I've been at the gym for years but I have enjoyed my best results over the past 8 months when I've taken a power lifter type approach to training. Now here's the...
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    Mall Report: Cold Approaches & Almost Getting in Two Different Fights

    You must be a tough 6'0 140lb or about 20lbs of you must be balls haha can't imagine backing down from someone your size. Seriously though fights are rarely worth it, especially with brass knuckles and stuff man. Not trying to sound like mom here but I've been charged with assault for just a...
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    Universitykid's Fitness Journal

    Wow so I haven't updated this for a long time. I was planning on putting up my numbers every week, but I think I might just continue to post once every 3-4 weeks to make sure I continue to make gains. I weighed myself at the gym yesterday and have been making gains in all my lifts so here's...
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    Introduction to a new life

    Thanks for the advice William, I appreciate it coming from someone who has been in the same situation as me. I'll try to address a couple of your questions here. Yeah I'm not a huge drinker anymore, it wasn't a conscious decision. It was just then whenever she kept coming around it made me...
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    Introduction to a new life

    Alright well I've got my journal going in the fitness forum, so why not start one here tracking the rest of my life? So the other night I went out to the bars for a buddies birthday as I'm trying to become more social. Unfortunately my ex and I have many of the same friends and he was one of...
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    Universitykid's Fitness Journal

    I-tallianStallion: I currently use alternative grip on the heavier sets of my deadlifts. My gym looks down on chalk unfortunately but I think I am going to buy some straps the next time I'm at the mall. Kerpal: Yeah I'm hitting full-depth on my squats, the difference in numbers is probably...
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    Universitykid's Fitness Journal

    I live in a house off-campus so I generally just bring my lunches. I could eat at the many places on campus (pretty well every type of fast food is represented) or I could go into one of the residences cafeteria's but the prices are outragous unless you buy the student overhead package and I...
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    Universitykid's Fitness Journal

    I've been working out for about 3 years but the first 2.5 years was on my high school football routine and I've been working on my own for about 8 months. I was a running back, so in comparison to most of the guys in the gym at similar body weights my legs are disproportionately large. In...
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    Introduction to a new life

    I'm 18 years old, 5'11 at 200lbs with visible abs. I'm currently in my first year of a commerce degree at one of the best Universities in Canada. I'm huge into working out, eating healthy and getting good grades. I've slept with 4 girls in my life, only one of which I would rate over 7 on the...