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  1. S

    How much attention?

    Hey everyone. So i have this gf who im planning on keeping around for a long time. we have been going out for a little over a month. the thing is i dont think i show her that much attention at school. i stand outside with her in the morining and walk her to her bus at the end of the day, thats...
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    This girl

    i know they will still be my bros but its just annoying catching **** from people, guess i should just say **** it and go out with her right?
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    This girl

    so there is this girl at my school who i really like and she really likes me, but im scared to go out with her cause of what people would say. i think shes really attractive and cool, but my friends make fun of her a lot. i dont know what to do
  4. S

    When you ask a girl out..

    to be your girlfriend
  5. S

    When you ask a girl out..

    what do you say? just wanna go out with me or is there something else to it?
  6. S

    Work out

    Alright, thanks for all the info. There is so much to look at i really wasn't sure where to look.
  7. S

    Work out

    Hey all, so im 16, 5'11, and about 130 lbs. I really want to get into weight lifting and put on some muscle. As you can tell im a pretty skinny guy and am tired of it. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good workout routines that allow me to bulk up.
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    Meeting a girl

    Im gonna try to do that, but i just dont know what to say or anything to her.
  9. S

    Meeting a girl

    Ok so, there is this girl at my school who ive never talked to at all before but really wanna get to know her. Im not sure what i should to do meet her. so anyone have any sugestions for what i should do?