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  1. S

    Hey, what happened to my "i hate liberals" thread?

    oh, i see. did not know that.
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    Hey, what happened to my "i hate liberals" thread?

    Did it get moved? Did it violate some policy I was not aware of?
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    So...I have no friends at all. Lets date!

    Hey asid, I totally feel ya buddy. I'm in the same boat. I was dating some chick a little while ago, and the fact that I had no social life, no GROUP of friends to bring her around so we could have fun as a group sucked. It made me feel so lame. Without a social life, things can get very...
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    Saturday night, bored, no social life, no girl..

    I just feel like venting right now. My social life is completely shot! It wasn't always this way, its just what seems like a number of bad decisions led me to where I am right now. Years in the making. No social life = little opportunity to meat girls, you know, friends of friends...
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    Ex Wants to Come Back

    Uhhmmm, are you dating my ex or something? I lived this exact story you're telling down to every detail. She tried so hard to get back into my life but I kept blowing her off, it was easy though because she put weight on and just wasn't physically attractive anymore..:p
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    Female - Looking for honest advice

    AlphaGirl78, I dont think there is anything wrong with you at all. Actually you're saying all the right things as in how a women "should be like" Honestly, I think you're just meeting a bunch of losers. Keep dating and eventually you'll find him. My advice to you would be to give the quite...
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    Girl didn't answer my text message

    To the OP: Her interest in you is slim to none most likely. As you get older you learn how to see things for what they are. Basically, if someone has interest in you, you will know it, if not, then you get the run around a lot. Don't let your ego get in the way of the facts. I can tell you...
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    The Stock Market is slow today, Entertain me

    That is the beauty of the ES, you can trade crap loads of size and not affect it a tick. You can literally get in with millions and out with more millions and not a sole would have noticed. Leverage is a beautiful thing.
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    The Stock Market is slow today, Entertain me

    I'm willing to bet most of these "quants" can't beat the market over the long term either. Everything works until it doesnt. Its not possible for the market to be a mathematical formula, its dynamic with ever changing themes. Otherwise, everybody with a phd in math would be a billionare. Not...
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    Wife goes to Club/Bar

    Ah man, you're marriage is in serious trouble. The resentment you feel right now will grow and this will be your demise. That argument over coffee was all planned btw. She needed to create a fight.
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    Serious sex question

    can you explain "suck dry"
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    Serious sex question

    Just trying to be funny with that one...
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    Serious sex question

    Are you guys serious? I assume only if you're 100% sure she's on the pill then "in her" would be the norm? What if you're not sure she's on the pill?
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    Serious sex question

    I've used condoms my whole life so far. Even during my LTR. For those of you that have sex with your girlfriend or FB or whatever and are NOT using a condom at the time... where do you blow your load? On her, in her(if on the pill?), on the bed, on yourself..? Whats the normal thing to...
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    Anyone elses's Girfriend on anti depressants

    I think the answer here is to NEVER put up with a girl on these meds. Why the hell should you? Even if 20% of girls were on meds, that still leaves 80%. I like to see emotion from a girl I'm involved with, it lets me know she actually cares. These walking zombies will just frustrate the...
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    Is being a ripped guy equivalent to a girl having a hot body?

    For most guys when we see a chic with a slamm'n body, we want that ass. The face doesnt even have to be anything special. The personality is secondary as in,we'll worry about that later. So is it the same for girls? If I'm pretty solid in the muscle department and have my shirt off and maybe...
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    So I'm currently ignoring this HB's phone calls... Now what?

    Long story short.. Met this girl some months ago.. Started hot and heavy, became kinda FB's, good sex, nothing serious. Then the sex tapered off and I somehow ended up in the friendzone but with sexual vibes still lingering. She just stopped giving it up but still likes to go out and have...
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    Girls that lie..... a lot!

    Whats with these girls that just feel the need to lie all the time..its soooo retarded. I was with this girl that lied to make me feel good and then lied when she wasn't interested anymore. For example, when we first hooked up I brought a bottle of wine over to her house and she said "oh, this...
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    Flake? Uh homey don't play dat.

    Demote her to FB status and f^k with her when your bored..
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    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    Yeah, sometimes I read all the stuff in this forum and come to the realization that if you want to pull some HB8, 9, 10's just get your ass to the gym and get a great body. Simple. When you're well built and defined all the other stuff on these boards doesn't matter much as long as you're not a...