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    Chat Room?

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    Chat Room?

    Hey Guys, I was just wondering, is there a SoSuave chat room, or a just a good DJ chat room to check out?
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    I'm not likeing you at the moment

    Any one ever get this, usually after you tell a girl no after she asks you to do something or giving her a hard time (in a fun way) "i'm not liking you at the moment" usualy said with a smile/grin. whats a good comeback? i've said like thisand it seems to work... "I know tell me...
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    Female co-worker keeps c0*kblocking me.

    Some more info: When we go out to the bars off work we hang out and chill, we both end up splitting up, she finds some guys to buy her stuff and I'll find some girls to have fun with. And we stay out of each others hair unless one of us needs saving. The problem is when we are working...
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    Female co-worker keeps c0*kblocking me.

    So I work at a bar and tried to date one of the bartenders back when I was an AFC also had bad case of onitus with her. Shes a solid 9 and the reason I had to learn "the game". Anyways I got "let's just be friends" and it killed me. Fast forward a year and a half later we did became very...
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    Buying a Shot!

    I never used it as part of a pick up. I just decided that right then and there where doing shots. Oh BTY most a girl will say "OK, what are we going to do". KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO! Don't say "well what ever you want"! That's indecisive. Tell her what you two are doing, and if she...
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    Buying a Shot!

    I don't do this all the time, and it was after we where talking for about half an hour. I wasn't buying her a shot so she would of approve of me I was buying her one because I wanted one and she was there. it's all about what frame your doing it in. Anyways in the end I did get her...
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    Buying a Shot!

    So what do you guys think about this. After talking to a girl for a bit at the bar and she's giving me IOI's I usually say something like this. Looking in to their eyes and telling them "Your doing a shot with me!" They usually say something along the lines of "uhh ok(always seem...
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    Trouble in company of others

    If she's getting upset it's not C&F. You have to move past the pick up, she already wants you, your pushing her away. I would say lay off the busting for a bit. And if you say something that you see pisses her off. Stop, look at her. Show her your sorry with your eye's (don't say it) and give...
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    I feel like sharing.

    Hey, Thanks for the comments on the writing. I like to write and I never have time to it sucks.. or any idea what to write about for that matter. penkitten, yeah after I wrote that I felt better and forgot to send it. Writing to vent works. I also wrote this(below) after reading JD...
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    I feel like sharing.

    So I'm was trying to find a file and I cam across this letter that I was going to give to this girl back when I was a MAJOR AFC. Never ended up giving it to her thank god. Just reading it makes me cringe... have fun. I look at that and relize how much for the better I have changed for my...
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    First real fight

    So the other day I snapped on this girl who I have kinda of been going out with off and on for the past few weeks. We where at a house party with some friends of mine, one of the other girls there said a nasty comment to my girl and she flipped and just started going off at her (at the same...
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    Quick question: I'm cute?

    I asked my friend Jenny once what’s the difference between "cute" and "hot" is. After thinking about it for a bit she came up with this: Hot: I would f*ck you right now, your body is all the turn on I need. Cute: I’m interested in you; you have a chance based on your personality. There...
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    girl I can't figure out

    Orange = Me
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    A story with a moral

    Tonight I was driving home from a after-hours party, and I hit a rabbit. Killed it. Dead. The rabbit ran from the left of the road to the right and made it to the ditch on the other side, safe, from my killer speeding death trap they call a Grand Am (*I love my car, it’s only killer to small...