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  1. G

    What should I do?

    Our conversation was about how I been, how she's been and what you been up to? She told me shes real busy with work. But when she approached me she just gave me her card. She said when ever you need help buying a house or something heres my card with a smile. I'm thinkng shes busy with work...
  2. G

    What should I do?

    This girl winked at me and smiled a lot at me. I know this girl was feeling me. The real estate quuestion was just an excuse to call her.
  3. G

    What should I do?

  4. G

    What should I do?

    This girls fine ass hell. I got a lady but this girl finer.
  5. G

    What should I do?

    I went to this party and there was this girl that I know. I was dressed all nice with a suit and tie. She kept smiling at me. So I went to the washroom and when i got out she was in the lobby. She comes up to me and gives me her card were she works. We kept talking and whatever. I find out...
  6. G

    How's My Game?

    well i ment my openig line
  7. G

    How's My Game?

    I approach saying hey whats up? What's your name? Is this a good approach?
  8. G

    How do you handle the haters

    how do ya'll handle your own friends be hating on u, u still chill wit them?
  9. G

    How do you handle the haters

    any1 else
  10. G

    How do you handle the haters

    so just ignore it cause there jealous, sometimes even the ugly girl hate
  11. G

    How do you handle the haters

    I have a couple people who hate on me. I notice it because of the way they look at me. I try to dress nice and some people think that I think I'm trying to be better then everyone. Any advice?
  12. G

    Is it wrong if at the end of a date you ask if you can kiss her?

    I think i saw this in the DJ Bible but i cant find it
  13. G

    I have a problem

    Ya I read the bible, but im asking if its wrong for the girl to pick me up right now?
  14. G

    I have a problem

    I had a car accident were I was paralized for 6 months. I walk and have been walking for about 3 years. I am close to making a full recovery. I walk with a limp, not bad tho. I dont drive yet. I got a g/f and she drives. You think its wrong that the girls picks me up? I will drive soon...
  15. G

    Is Height Overrated

    I'm like 5'9 -5'10 People say Im tall but someone told me that people who act confident look tall
  16. G

    How to make conversation?

    ? Don't say anything at all? What you mean?
  17. G

    How to make conversation?

    I was at a club and there was this chick, she sat right in front of me. The problem is I didnt know how to break the ice. What should I say. I couldnt ask her to dance cause i messed up my ankle. Whats a good way just to talk to girl? Just say hey girl whats your name or what?
  18. G

    What do you say to a girl you havent talked to in a while

    I was with this chick an i was kicking it to her then she got me in trouble with oone of my boys. So we continued kicking it then for a bit then i stopped calling her for about 4 weeks then i found out she got a man now. U think i should call her out the blue? What should I say? I know I...