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  1. M

    Two timing best friends..

    i wish i could keep seeing both of them. one of them got to know that i kissed the other one and now they call me a player. and one of them is not talking to me anymore. :(
  2. M

    Two timing best friends..

    i wish man.. but it can't happen. what else should i aim for?
  3. M

    Two timing best friends..

    anyone? !!
  4. M

    Two timing best friends..

    Hello beautiful brothers!! here is the situation. i like 2 girls, both like me but if i talk to one more, the other one keeps away from me.:confused: i try to separate them but somehow they both get to know if i am seeing either of them.:trouble: they both work together and are...
  5. M

    indian djs / experienced players....

    cmon people. isnt there anyone who could show me the light? i just wanna improve.
  6. M

    indian djs / experienced players....

    heres the situation. i am in college and this chick 2 years junior caught my eye. took her number from a friend, called her up making some excuse, then talked to her on chat and one more phone call. wasnt going well. this went on for like 2 months. communicated with her only 3-4 times...
  7. M

    Don Juan Boot Camp starting now! Signup closed

    hey, sorry for this late entry but i wanna be part of the boot camp, al-moh. my exams were up so i couldnt get on the net. just logged in and saw this thread. if u can, then plz add me to the list too. i'll tell u bout myself after receiving a reply from your side. thanks.
  8. M

    looking for a mentor....

    no words to thank you karma. i already got the new dj bible and am on it. but can i pm you some specific problems that i am having right now with girls?
  9. M

    looking for a mentor....

    hi guys. you all can have an idea of my present status and position by reading my last 3-4 posts and threads. i am looking for a senior dj with whom i can correspond with through PMs/email for my specific problems, so that i dont have to start a new thread always for some problem.someone who can...
  10. M

    20 year old sosuave virgin

    well MM,i guess it helps that i am in india right now(not that i dont disagree with ur post altogether). anyways, besides the tall part, i am working on my physique and social behaviour. and about the unintelligent part, i aint that smart but ya, small talk doesnt come very naturally to me...
  11. M

    20 year old sosuave virgin

    long long time, people. how is everyone? besides the already posted probs i got one more.... how do you deal with the chicks who u see everyday ( in college, dance class, gym, etc.) who have bfs who in turn are again ur friends? i mean its not the biggest of my worries, but is there any other...
  12. M

    User names [Merged]

    mltpl_rndmns1....... coz i m as random and varied as u can think of. plus adding multiple to it makes it more random. so there ya go.....
  13. M

    flows101 Journal of Approaches started on April 18th 2006

    really gud job till now man. i lyk the whole ' can i ask u a quick question' thing. one thing i wanna ask u.......r u gud-looking? coz if u r then obviously u r gonna get less first time rejections. anyways, keep it up. sarge on....
  14. M

    An almost complete list of where a lot of people are from...

    future master dj!!! representing INDIA :up: , helloo to every1 on this form and happy sarging. i m from new delhi, india. PM me any1 looking for a wingman close to my area. ciao:D
  15. M

    20 year old sosuave virgin

    thanks man. will keep all these things in mind. appreciate it .
  16. M

    20 year old sosuave virgin

    u own, petah :D . seriously nice post man. i love the whole getting to know people in a club thing coz of my dance. being social has always been my priority. and bravo to ur dad. i love to get inspired with such feats. and by the way, watch out for me man. u might see me in a vancouver disc...
  17. M

    20 year old sosuave virgin

    04-18-2006 05:31 AM Wiesman44 Its pretty damn good advice. Hip-hop is like pollution to the brain. dont know what to say to u wiseman. i guess i m just a happily polluted guy .:D
  18. M

    20 year old sosuave virgin

    thanks man and i think u r damn right about taking advice from female friends.