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  1. E

    I need a new name

    Recently Ive been hitting on just random females ranging from HB3-7. Ive called several of them using the usual household phone and some of those girls are annoying but I still wish to keep them for poontang. In other words... theyve been calling me and other people who lives here are getting...
  2. E

    I need a new name

    Ive been using my real name while sarging . Im starting to think I need an alias or atleast a new name? what do you guys think? would giving out your real name/alias a good idea or a bad idea.
  3. E

    Need Some Advice ASAP.

    We'll I called her. Yeh very afc. I just thought me and her had something that not even this kind of **** would hinder. So I guess, NEXT! Life is too short. Im goin sarging tomorow at the club. wish me luck!
  4. E

    Need Some Advice ASAP.

    Last night I went to visit a friend that I havent seen for a long time. We kind of had feelings for each other back then but I moving to texas there was no chance in hell that we could have a relationship, so we kept in touch and became really really good friends. Everything was goin ok till...
  5. E

    You guys say EC, then approach, but what if girl is shy and looks away quickly?

    Just like what he said "nothing to lose and everything to gain." That counts as bad and good. If you get dissed, you find out that shes not interested, one less thing to think of. If shes interested then you can work your way.
  6. E

    need some master dj's advice...

    In my opinion your better of just calming your feelings down. You blowing up on her will make you look bad w/ a lot of girls. Besides why put so much into her and shes not even your girl, apparently shes not even worth all that attention. Dont put her in a pedestal and start praying, put...
  7. E

    Awful To Wonder

    So I cant call a chick 3times a week? whats the limit so I can keep it in mind. Well at first I tried get close as much as I can to get to a point of kiss-close but when she told me that she didnt like being rubbed and she told me that one guy she was dancing w/ was rubbing her in such ways...
  8. E

    Awful To Wonder

    Ive been reading the DJ BIBLE for a long time now. Tonight I put what I learned into full effect. 3 weeks ago: I went to the same club I usually go to. Being an AFC learning my way to be a DJ, I didnt really have alot to back me up. I was standing by the wall drinking watching my buddy whos...