Need Some Advice ASAP.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Last night I went to visit a friend that I havent seen for a long time. We kind of had feelings for each other back then but I moving to texas there was no chance in hell that we could have a relationship, so we kept in touch and became really really good friends.

Everything was goin ok till she decided she needs to go to sleep coz she got work around 10am . I was bored so I messed around and took all her pillows coz she told me she cant sleep w/o any pillow. After a few mins and taking all the pillows she had, I gave up and let her get her rest while I stare and get bored some more. I couldnt go out since she still lives w/ her parents and her dad is down stairs watching movies. Out of boredom I sat down on the bed(She woke up), thinking of ways to get the Fcuk out of the house. I lyed down on her breast and said I need to get going. Since I was starting to think of our past. She started to run her fingers on my head and I started caress her arm. Then I put my arms around her and whispered to her that I really need to get going before I do something stupid. She told me I cant since she doesnt want to get introuble w/ her parents(she cant have any type of guys in house, specially at that kind of time). A few mins later my guts kicked in and I started to kiss her and she kissed me back, we made out. After a few mins I took my shirt off and took her shirt off and did my thing. When I tried to move in and take her pants off, she stopped me.

Me: Whats the problem?
Her: I feel sorry for my boyfriend.
Me: **** your boyfriend

Then I kissed her and started to make out again. Then I Started to rub her down south and she was wet. I figured shes getting aroused by this I should really move in for the kill, I kissed/licked her going down on her when I hit the tip of her pants I used my tongue to get in and (wow)she stopped me again.

Me: I know you want me. I know you want it.
Her: No, Stop.

I kissed her, she kissed back. We made out. Then I stopped and asked, "You seriously want me to stop?" she said
"yes." I stopped since I dont want to force myself to her. Then I started to think I might have just lost the coolest friend I ever had(for a girl that is). Right when I said sorry she said sorry too, then I said "I shouldnt have came over." I started to tremble since I just messed up big time, I got up put my shirt back on just stayed quite the whole hour while waiting for her mom to leave for work. I stayed quite the whole time while walking my way out. She opened the door and said "sorry." Then right before she closed it she told me to call her up when I get back home.

I need advice on how to handle this. Dont feel like loosing a friend like her, but I really dont know what to do.

If anyone can pin point what I've done wrong that made this night a nightmare, I would really apreciate it.

BTW, I told her that night that Ill spend the next day w/ her to catch up on things, since I got nothing else better to do.

help pls.


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Time for a freeze out. Do not contact her. Anything you say for the next week or two will make things worse. If she somehow gets a hold of you listen to what she says but do not say anything.


Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
well the thing depends. if you want to be her bf, then contact her and tell you want her. if you want only friendship then dont speak to her for some time, and say later that you are sorry and you want to forget about it and act like it never happened.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
We'll I called her. Yeh very afc. I just thought me and her had something that not even this kind of **** would hinder.

So I guess, NEXT!

Life is too short. Im goin sarging tomorow at the club. wish me luck!