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  1. C

    Does C&f apply for every girl?

    Thank you for all your comments. Yes, maybe I haven't quite got the complete idea of the C&F interaction, but I am eager to learn more. However, I still have some questions, because apparently the way I am doing it works very good with "beautiful" girls. I mean, the ones who are always pursued...
  2. C

    Does C&f apply for every girl?

    Hi there guys. Well, as I have wrote in another post, I am still getting some trouble here applying, or maybe understanding the C&F attitude. Ok, you can call me a fool, but I still feel cool and eager to correct my mistakes. The case is that I have seen in life and read in forums that...
  3. C

    Need some help!!!

    Jaja, ok first just be relaxed and keep it cool. You don't have to worry and think you can be needy, just play it fun and invite her with some of the following (depending on what do you want to do): -Hey, I was going to check out x movie, but I need an expert in this topic. So if you are, why...
  4. C

    I only feel attracted...

    Ah well, sorry for taking so long. This all happened before she friendzoned me. About a month later, she friendzoned me, after I messed up, as predicted above. However, I have just moved on.
  5. C

    Do nice guys ALWAYS finish last!

    Where, here I am again, with one my super-interesting questions (I know i know, i'm great jaja, just kidding). I was not long ago thinking about this nice guy stuff, and just began seeing some things I would like to share with you. I once used to be a nice guy, and while I didn't go getting...
  6. C

    I only feel attracted...

    Wow, you guys are the best. Finally, I can get what's going on. Unfortunately, things haven't gone very good. To end the post in an optimistic way, let's hear first the bad news. Well, you were right, I am friendzoned duh. Haha, I can't believe I didn't saw this before. Actually, I was all...
  7. C

    I only feel attracted...

    Mmm, really interesting this thing. I didn't know attraction had two parts, so things seem to start getting more clear. I don't know if it was bad to confess my feelings, since I have been the first one to have approached her in her life, so she hasn't got any wuss treat nor is chased by men...
  8. C

    I only feel attracted...

    Jaja yeah, it's quite strange, also is the first time I heard it from a girl. However, since this is getting interesting I will give you more details. First of all, we both are in 2° year of high school, in the same classroom. We have been very good friends for a while ago, and I just started...
  9. C

    I only feel attracted...

    Well, I have read over here in the forums and from all David DeAngelo information that women hang to men because they feel ATTRACTED to him. However, recently I have heard a very curious and interesting response from a girl I was trying to attract. As I was talking to her, she said: "I don't...
  10. C

    Almost never approached...

    Hi there guys. I have been reading the post and all the advice on the site, and it always is suggesting to not be too nice and stop using that overly "wussy" attitued with attractive women, as it is poorly original and they have heard that stuff dozens of times. However, I have just been...
  11. C

    Seducing and Laying her...

    Ok, so I should not set having sex as my main goal. Jaja, don't worry, I am not falling into any one-itis, and yes, I will be a little patient and just have fun. However, my problem is that it is quite difficult to get physical ans sexual with her, due to her feminist attitute. To give an...
  12. C

    Seducing and Laying her...

    Hi there. What's up guys? Hope you are having a good time and preparing things for this February 14th. Jaja let's go to the question: I have recently advanced a lot in my dating life thanks to the super-genius information here in the website and the emails of David and Ron. I have learned how...
  13. C

    ****y & Funny doesn't work!

    Well, actually, I don't know if I didn't mention, but I have know her for about a month and a half. As soon as I met her I just decided to get a cup of coffee with her, just to know her. That's when I found out she had such a great personality, she was funny and all, and pretty. So I started the...
  14. C

    ****y & Funny doesn't work!

    And I repeat, jeje, yes, I do asked her out.
  15. C

    ****y & Funny doesn't work!

    I met a while ago a very nice and cute girl, with a great personality. So I started working on her with the ****y & Funny stuff I learned from the site. I began with some comedy and busting her balls, although I didn't went to hard at the start since I noticed she was a bit shy. Things went...
  16. C

    I just don't feel it!

    Ok, sorry, I was not very clear. Well, in a simple way, it is just that I have met this girl, and I have started going out with her since she "declared" or said to me she liked me. I like her too, so I gave myself a chance to know her. The problem, is that for some reason, "I don't feel it" (I...
  17. C

    I just don't feel it!

    Hi there Don Juan community. I have been following since a long while the tips and programs offered in the website, and I can assure they have really changed the way I saw things before. I remember thinking this stuff of flirting and relating with women was more a thing of "luck", and only nice...