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  1. I

    Comebacks Thread

    ^^^^^ Possibly one of the funniest things I have ever read, nice one guys, you two both had a different take on it, but its hilarious both ways. Nice one, keep em coming.
  2. I

    Brit in San Diego...any advice?

    Now I'm not a DJ or anything, but I can't see how you're accent will hurt anything, unless it's a real hard scottish one. Most girls I know go crazy over a guy with an accent, and a British accent makes anything you say sound sophisticated and cool. So I think it will actually work out in your...
  3. I

    Comebacks Thread

    Hey, here is a thread to post all of your great comebacks. This really isn't too important of a thread, but awesome comebacks are always fun and having a sharp tongue can always get you some respect. So post your sweet comebacks here, post them with what was said to you and how you shut them...
  4. I

    Short or Long Hair?

    Thanks for all the tips guys, but what I guess it comes down to is a really don't like how I look either way . . . I just wish I had those sharp facial features that most girls go for, but I guess I really can't change that. I have been working out quite a bit in the last ~6 months, and I...
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    Short or Long Hair?

    Hey guys, I wondering which is generally better longer hair or shorter hair. Each of them has it's own problem for me, so I guess I'm just wondering which is the lesser of the two evils. When my hair is short, I like how it looks, but to look good it must be gelled . . . looks pretty...
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    How do you guys overcome approach resistance?

    Hey guys . . . I have a really tough time with approaches, I usually go to malls or other commercial places when I go gaming, as I'm not yet old enough for bars/clubs, but all the girls there seem to be pretty hostile. How do you guys get over the initial resistance without seeming needy or...
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    How would a DJ sign yearbook?

    This year I signed a lot of yearbooks with . . . "Good luck with that infection." -My Name Always gets a good laugh/hit . . .
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    Building Social Value

    Thanks for the advice so far guys, I'm getting there . . . Hanging out with some of my "cooler" friends this weekend. Bump for more advice.
  9. I

    Building Social Value

    Hey guys, I am a junior in high school right now, and I'm trying to build people's perception of me, but I'm pretty much stuck. Well to make a long story short i was a HUGE chubby nerd back in middle school and freshman year, I guess I still am, but I don't make it quite as obvious anymore...