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  1. T

    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    As always, my thanks go out to everyone who has followed along but all good things must come to an end. My name is Michael and I am John Titor. I am the star of the now infamous John Titor movie that No one has seen. In this interview I talk about how I became involved in the Titor saga...
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    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    I have posted this demonstration for all of you. The following photograph is an example of light from a laser pen being bent by time when the time machine is in operation. Time travel was invented in 2034. Off...
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    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    Since I have received dozens of private messages from users on this site I will answer all your questions here. Please read: Yes we discover lunarium on Mars. In 2039 we have 10 more elements than you do now. I found this site after visiting another site. I only post with those who are...
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    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    The Mars rovers will discover the element Lunarium. Pope John Paul will be dead within the next year. The Iraq war will be lost. Iraq will fall into 4 years of civil war and chaos with the Islamic Revolution gaining control of the country. Iraq becomes an Iranian puppet state. I will...
  5. T

    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    Soon you will all look upon the proof. Do you still doubt my prediction of the draft even though 100 american troops are dying in Iraq every month and Spain has pulled out? How do you think the US govt. can maintain these casualty rates? Are you surprised that the White House is warning...
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    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    Greetings citizens of 2004, I apologize for not posting in such a long time. My team has been very busy lately completing the mission on behalf of Temporal Recon from the year 2039. In a few days as part of my individual mission I will be traveling to Kissimee Florida to meet with the...
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    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    I met John Titor in 2034.He was a good man. Sadly he died of the flu last year.2038 to you. I am from 2039. I was sent back with a team of 11 others to watch the events of 2004 unfold. John told me about his postings while he was here and I never thought that I would do something like that...