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  1. D

    This stuff works! - 33 year old hottie and me, 26 - I need advice.

    kino baby I dont see why she would not go on the date with you, older women tend to be less flaky and say yes when they mean no. But, I think that the AFC move you pulled above may hurt your chances as anything more than a friend if you dont show you attraction to her on this date, so that...
  2. D

    Need objective opinions guys-PLEASE

    yeah I say try her one more time. If you called her last wednesday then wait till this wed, a week later. Let her know you left her a message for her Bday, this way she'll know you paid attention to that detail. I would also say pick a time that you are sure shes going to be available then...
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    shes 33 I am 26

    I dunno bcos, we have been chatting like every day now, she comes into my cubilce for like silly reasons and we just talk. she be like "oh, that new report you sent us didnt run" and I will be like I'll do another one, and then we just start talking bout random crap till she has to go back to...
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    shes 33 I am 26

    UPDATE Hi all, well news flash, she walked into work this past monday and was like she quitting! She handed in her 2 weeks you know what that means, she wont be my 'coworker no more :) I was like 'well I guess that means we'll never get to bowl' and she was like of course we...
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    THE G/F STEALERS Club //// Learn the ways to steal G/Fs (1.0)////

    post! I am all for it! it better be good
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    shes 33 I am 26

    Yo Fellas, you all have given me good advice, thanks! Alot to think about too. As far as sexual harrasment, I dont think theres gonna be an issue, she has a good sense of humour, as far as I dont try and dry hump her in her cubicle or something :) I have asked her out 4 lunch once b4. I...
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    shes 33 I am 26

    Hi all, I am new here, I love this site its great. Let me get to the point. I have a coworker who is 33, she is hot and she looks my age. We get to chat once in a while and she is very fun loving and funny. I get kinda nervous when I am around her bcos....well I like the girl big time! Lately...