This stuff works! - 33 year old hottie and me, 26 - I need advice.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2003
Reaction score
Hey all,
this site really works, the insite I have gained from both advice and articles is just priceless.

Now for a little back ground: I had a co worker of mine that I got along with real well (shes 33-HB8, I am 26), we chatted alot and she showed good signs of interest and atleast wanting to get to know me. So, she left my job a few weeks back, but before that we had lunch together once and I got her phone #s. I called her up and she was happy to hear from me, we chat for a while and caught up, I asked her to come bowling with me and a friend bcos we had never hung out outside work and always said we should, she didnt even hesitate to say yes so I made the 'date' for last tuesday evening.

Well unfortunately she couldnt make it bcos she got let of work real late and then got into a moderate car accident (she left a message on my machine apologizing and said she hopes we can still do it some other time and told me to call the next day). So I called her the next day and we talked again, towards the end of the convo I asked her if she wanted to go to the movies with me to watch '28 days later', again she didnt hesitate to say 'yeah sure', so I said to her that SHE should call me to tell me when she was going to be free since she was the busier one (she has a very, very busy schedule).

Now this is where I think I made the mistake: I know I didnt make it clear that I was inviting her out and the date was going to be 'on me', with me paying (bcos I know she is broke and shes gonna have to fix her car and she hasn't really got paid yet at her new job). So I called her the next day just to say "I dunno if I made it clear yesterday but when I invited you out to the movies I meant that it was my treat and she wasnt going to have to pay". Her response wasnt too bad, she was like"no you dont have to" but I insisted and she said that I was "sweet".

So now I have 2 thoughts in my head:

1. She may not call me for a while and blow this date request off for some reason or another (I doubt this but it could happen bcos shes just really busy).

2. Due to my calling and offering to pay she may think I am an AFC and put me in the friends zone real quick which I dont want.

Guys, if I go on this date how can I recover and show I am intersted in her in a physical way, remember shes older and I am sure well aware of the games guys play.


New Member
Jun 14, 2003
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kino baby

Her response wasnt too bad, she was like"no you dont have to" but I insisted and she said that I was "sweet".
I dont see why she would not go on the date with you, older women tend to be less flaky and say yes when they mean no. But, I think that the AFC move you pulled above may hurt your chances as anything more than a friend if you dont show you attraction to her on this date, so that mean, apply a good amount of KINO, good eye contact and alot of C + F.

Try and feed of here responses to these actions. I am assuming that since you have got this far you must have been doing something right. Have you applied any DJ principle on her yet?


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks, I hope she gets back to me about the movies.

I have used alot of principles so far and they have worked!

Eye contact - When we used to work together we would chat either in my cubicle or in the coffee room, I made sure to maintain a steady eye contact for at least 80% of the convo especially when she did the talking, I would look away only for a brief second or while I moved. This I found was always the most intense part and I would be thinking to my self "I wander what she is thinking" bcos her eyes never left mine too.

Kino - I only got a chance to do this once while we went for lunch, I saw a ring on her right hand and I asked to look at it as I grabbed her hand. I played with it while held her hand in mine gently, after that I could see her whole demeanor change, she liked it.

C + F - We always had each other laughing. We flirted lightly at work just bcos I didnt want to go 'overboard' at work and give coworkers ideas and I think she didnt either.

Phone - I waited a week and half to call her the first time, when we talked on the phone it was a good long talk and I ended the call 1st and 2nd time.

I plan on being more C+F when we meet again and flirt heavier to gauge her reaction


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by deeman
Guys, if I go on this date how can I recover and show I am intersted in her in a physical way, remember shes older and I am sure well aware of the games guys play.
That's very simple, BE PHYSICAL!