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  1. D


    thanks fellas... sorry for those that had to read all that bull****, lol some very good responses in there, I can tell many of you are DJ's. Putting the emotional BS aside, are you really saying I should tell her I find her attractive? I wouldn't really care about getting rejected I guess, I...
  2. D


    god i ****ing hate this bull****!! I used to read so much of this, and i even bought double your ****ing dating. yeah it's helped my game some, but the only girls i can get to ****ing like me are not attractive. the ones that are attractive have ****ing boyfriends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEEZUS IM...
  3. D

    Losing control/Tweaking appearance.. need help

    cmon guy's don't be shy ;)
  4. D

    Losing control/Tweaking appearance.. need help

    There's this girl thats a couple years younger than me that I went to high school with. I like her a lot, she's not superficial like lots of other hot women, and I can generally say whatever I want when I'm with her. She just broke up with her boyfriend and I invited her to a party at my place...
  5. D

    Disciple's Boot camp Thread...

    Ok well Week 1 is off to a good start. I am pretty confident at getting smile's and saying hi. I think I'm ready for week 2, but I will continue to keep tabs. When I think of something to say to a girl I'm near, I still hold back and don't say it, for fear of not being able to carry the...
  6. D

    Disciple's Boot camp Thread...

    none of my current friends are better than me at DJing. I'd say when my game is on I'm the best. I'm not that good at making new guy friends really well. It seems like I only make them thru friends or in the past. Do u know how I could find a good wing? Oh yeah, And going out.. Another...
  7. D

    Disciple's Boot camp Thread...

    Okay, A little bit about myself. I'm 19 and a sophomore in college. I just transfered to a huge university and I live near campus in an apartment with a friend. We are kind of out of the social network right now, and I'm sitting at home on a Saturday night. I've been debating whether or not to...
  8. D

    help! i actually got.. a date?

    ok well thanks for the tips but on the otherhand not much info given either. The only solid info I got was date type, which was a good idea. I don't know how to show 'masculine' as I have not been this way before. The only way I've gotten into women's pants is when they have chosen me. By...
  9. D

    help! i actually got.. a date?

    haha.. So A chick in my class sent a mass e-mail out asking for the test date. I e-mailed her back and told her to stop falling asleep in class. I got a nice reply back and she asked wehre I lived. So I called her a stalker and then gave her my screen name. Now I got a date with her sometime...