Disciple's Boot camp Thread...


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, A little bit about myself. I'm 19 and a sophomore in college. I just transfered to a huge university and I live near campus in an apartment with a friend. We are kind of out of the social network right now, and I'm sitting at home on a Saturday night. I've been debating whether or not to do this boot camp for a while now, i'm not sure if I really wanted it or not. But I don't see that any REAL harm can come from actually TRYING to improve on my life, no matter how hard it is, or how embarrased I get.

I'm a fairly attractive dude, who used to have a lot of success with women, and now I have been celibate for almost a year, I dont know what has happened. Sometimes I find myself almost begging for sex from ugly chicks that I am friends with. It's repulsive to even think about. I think that stooping so low is a lot of the equation, and then mild depression and social anxiety at times the other. I hope boot camp can help me work through this.

I'd love some words of encouragement along the way, and also tips from everyone who is experienced with bootcamp or already a DJ. I will update as I complete this process.

Week one seems a little silly to me. I have the confidence to say hi to people as they walk by me. Oh well, I will dive in slow I guess and hopefully be proved wrong. I will make targets out of the people that I would usually NOT say hi too.

Week two I could use a few pointers on getting the conversations started. I don't like the idea of being boring or intrusive, which is why I think I am a little anti-social as of now. I only start conversations when I feel I have a witty comment to offer or something interesting to say. I don't want to interview someone, I want it to be enjoyable with no underlying intentions that are obvious.

Thanks guys I will be starting tomorrow with Week 1




Don Juan
Jan 6, 2004
Reaction score
First off I think the whole boot camp thing is total sh1t, but if you want to do it Power to you. There are much better ways to get much better results. I tried the boot camp thing and ended up dropping it fast. My best advice is find a wing and hang out with him, go out 4 nights a week and stay out for 4 hours. there is something to this, I heard it many times when I was just starting out. Another thing, find a wing, they will be able to analyze your game, they can pick out small sh-t that you didnt even realize you were doing.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
none of my current friends are better than me at DJing. I'd say when my game is on I'm the best. I'm not that good at making new guy friends really well. It seems like I only make them thru friends or in the past.

Do u know how I could find a good wing?

Oh yeah, And going out.. Another couple of problems.

1) I can't go to bars

2) I can't dance. So clubs are out.

I guess I kind of need to learn how to dance to be able to succesfully date some women. It's a huge sign of weakness to not be able to dance, and I know this, yet I can't overcome it.

Do you really think the boot camp thing is ****? I think it has good principles and a nice step by step pattern. It lets you take attracting women as a process instead of just wanting end results right away, which can hinder your game.

Later, Disciple


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ok well Week 1 is off to a good start. I am pretty confident at getting smile's and saying hi. I think I'm ready for week 2, but I will continue to keep tabs.

When I think of something to say to a girl I'm near, I still hold back and don't say it, for fear of not being able to carry the conversation any further. I'm just going to start blurting out what comes to me and saying **** it.

I got 5 Hi's today, all pretty women from around campus.

PS- Anyone got any tips on learning how to dance well?