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  1. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    I haven't gotten drunk in years. I avoid drugs completely, I am not even curious. The only thing I do is smoke hookah. I have been officially diagnosed with OCD. As for the personality disorders, my therapists said its better if I don't label myself. However, I only put those labels for...
  2. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    As for Acq's question, I welcome constructive criticism. Praise, i feel uncomfortable accepting it.
  3. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    you nailed it right there buddy. I have severe OCD. I also have GAD(generalized anxiety disorder) and perfectionistic personality disorder as well as avoidant personality disorder. The OCD is already dealt with. I've managed to solve that with CBT and meds. The GAD is partially dealt with as I'm...
  4. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    I have been in therapy for about 3 years. 1.5 years of that was CBT. It didn't change a thing for me. The beliefs are so deep that no matter how hard I try, i cant seem to change em. They were instilled in me since a VERY young age by an abusive, jealous, controlling, smothering, overprotective...
  5. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    I am not overly muscular. I am what u might call a mesomorph. I am not too big nor too small. I understand what u guys mean by overly muscular. I am not one of those, thank goodness. Being a virgin always puts me at a disadvantage. Most girls nowadays despise male virgins. I've overheard...
  6. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    What I find most difficult is that my entire life I have been rejected. At 22 and virgin, I can't help but be tempted to give up. Like I've said, the problem is more internal. I perceive myself as the most unattractive guy on Earth. I wish to believe otherwise, but all my interactions with women...
  7. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    Ironically, I don't look like a slob, lol. I am fairly tall, very muscular. I shower once if not twice daily. I am a clean freak and hygiene would be my strength rather than weakness. I used to have bad posture but now I have excellent posture. I am very consistent with gym trainings. A lot of...
  8. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    can u tell me how to avoid the friend zone even though its not that important now? thing is, i have MANY female friends. I am a social guy and meet people on a regular basis. So i want to avoid the friend trap from now on.
  9. S

    List out your flaws you think/thought women fount unattractive

    going bald can be caused by many things. It can be antidepressants, excess DHT, nutrition, even excess masturbation.
  10. S

    Man.. fvck you all. Looks DO matter.

    I know a girl, very attractive, that ONLY likes asian guys. And i am not talking about good looking ones either. She has shown me what she considers attractive, and i swear its a bunch of the ugliest guys I've ever seen in my life. I know another guy, who looks like a goat. He's by far the...
  11. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    So lemme see if i got this right -First, I have to change the way I view myself This means stop telling myself I am undesirable, only friend material, and that no attractive woman will be interested From what you guys have been posting, a negative self perception gives off vibes that women...
  12. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    one thing i get confused about is the amount of attention to give a girl. I have a friend. he used to be a nice guy and only got rejected all the time. he then became a total ****, ignoring women, treating them badly, etc. he gets a different girl every week. the question is, should i ignore a...
  13. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    ive been told countless times humor is a good thing. but by using humor, girls perceive me as a joker and not boyfriend material. Besides changing my views on women and myself, what else can i do?
  14. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    well, heres the thing. All those technical and mechanical advice given by most self proclaimed pick up artists etc never work for me. They only backfire. ****y and funny always backfires for me. Ive been rejected by about 20 girls in the last 3 months. I've tried pursuing women, not caring about...
  15. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    the problem is, with each rejection my self esteem goes even lower. my depression gets worse after rejection as well. its kinda the opposite of what others say, that the more u get rejected the less scared u will be. but in my case, the fear just gets worse. women consider me good looking, but...
  16. S

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    I'm 22, virgin. I am well built, considered good looking by many, funny, entertaining, smart, nice and able to talk about any subject. However, every girl I approach rejects me. I am very shy when it comes to dating, but am not shy in other social situations. Here is what happens: -When I ask...