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  1. T

    A good job to get for a high schooler.

    Service Cashier! Great new way to meet girls i think...
  2. T

    Is this a good way to meet new chicks?

    Oh ok.I won't be that friendly...but still friendly enough to possibly meet them after work.
  3. T

    why should i pay-we hardly now each other-not even a date

    Number close her first,otherwise your paying for nothing...:D
  4. T

    Is this a good way to meet new chicks?

    Alright.Sounds good.
  5. T

    Is this a good way to meet new chicks?

    LOL,thanks for the advice guys keep it coming.
  6. T

    Is this a good way to meet new chicks?

    Yeah i work with a few hot chicks but they have boyfriends... What about commenting hot customers on there looks? Ive done some approaches when i'm not on checkouts like when im packing the shelfs,EG look for a young hot confused customer and say 'Do you need help with anything?' so yeah thats...
  7. T

    Gf still hurts during sex

    Yeah i'd recommend a doctor cause one of my chick friends has/had the same problem she had an operation for it cause it was kinda serious.But now she is fiine and now she gets wet as if she just had a bucket of water thrown over her :P
  8. T

    no cell phone?

    Cell phone would be one of the biggest keys to my dj skills.It saves time as COD said no more stumbling for pen & paper,just whip out ya phone and chuck there number in,Also its kinda a good conversation starter lol.
  9. T

    Girlfriend kissed another guy...then apologized

    Mate i'm sure there is someone 100% better out there for you.Good Luck Bud.
  10. T

    Is this a good way to meet new chicks?

    I work as a service cashier (checkouts).Does anybody know if i could meet some chicks through this? What would i say? kthankxbai