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  1. W

    I Think I Blew It!!!!

    I know, I know! She had trouble written all over her, and her friend. Not somebody I would ever try to get involved with. Its still nice to have these situations arise, I'm 32, but look 24, and feel 24. Not looking to get married again, any time soon, just have some fun. I feel like if...
  2. W

    Just feeling down w/ my past...

    I'm 32 and divorced! I am still out there having a lot of fun. I know the feeling of looking back, and seeing what you believe to be nothhing but mistakes. I agree with a lot of the other posts, take it as experience, 25 is still pretty young!!!! Have fun, it will happen.
  3. W

    I Think I Blew It!!!!

    The best thing I did, was not buy them drinks. Actually they were buying me shots. I still look back thinking I could hhave played it better.
  4. W

    I Think I Blew It!!!!

    Well, tonight myself and my wing man hit a local bar, and hhad the two hot chicks of the bar invite us to the local strip club. We arrived before they did, as they had to stop by another bar and say hi to their "boyfriends". They were dancing together for myself and my wingman, and then one...
  5. W

    The official Acne thread [Merged threads]

    Wash your pillow cases and sheets. I'm guessing you might use gel, hair spray etc. This and oils build up on sheets and pillow cases within a week! Keep them clean and use the face washs mentioned above. Should help!
  6. W

    From Player to Pu$$Y: Who here can relate to this?

    WOW! I think you all dated the last women I did. HOWEVER: I let her, and her two kids move in with me:eek: It took me three months to get her out. She played games, accused me a cheating, and made my life suck! She has gone as far as, making friends with my ex. I just cut it off, and...
  7. W

    Good AB Workouts?

    looks good, but, how do you do it, and how long? Anyone?
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    Good AB Workouts?

    How do you do a Rasied chair dead lift?:confused:
  9. W

    Good AB Workouts?

    No, I want the nice arms and chest, but I want my abs to look good too. I re-read my OP and it does read funny.
  10. W

    Good AB Workouts?

    Anyone suggest a good AB workout. I am currently bulking and doing the basic weight bench routines. Its working, but I dont want to have nice arms and chest, and theres the gut. But I need to watch the calorie burning. Suggestions?
  11. W

    penis pimples

    They probably are...what they are. Just start to wash more, in that area. Give it a couple of weeks, of doing that, and if it does not clear up, don't be shy to see your doctor about it. I'm pretty sure, extra washing will take care of it! Oh, and stop looking at your junk so much...
  12. W


    Thanks! I figured that was the case. I just quit smoking, and have cut way back on the caffeine. Iused to smoke like a chimney, and drink about a pot of coffee a day. Which meant I ate very little. I am hoping for some good gains, over the next few months!
  13. W


    I drink a lot of coffee, can anyone tell me if this is good or bad, when trying to gain?
  14. W


    Great. Thanks for posting this, by the way. Awhile ago I asked about a good bench routine, and the one you posted made me grow a lot, and very fast. If you still have this bench workout, I would really like to see it. Thanks!:box:
  15. W

    Need Help Gaining!

    Thanks for the link, it answered a lot of questions! Does anyone know what a helathy weight is for a person who is 6 foot 3? I have a target weight of about 185.
  16. W

    Meeting a married woman on the internet for sex?

    Just keep in mind, that you are probaly not the only one she has met. This sounds like the easiest way to catch something! Wear a condon, and buy some penicilin!
  17. W

    Need Help Gaining!

    Here's the "skinny", I am! I am 6 foot 3, and 165. I just recentley quit smoking, so I am planning to gain weight, but I want to get in shape at the same time. Anyone have any good diet ideas or suggestions? I have been told to take dessicated liver tablets, but I need to work out. I...