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  1. D

    Thats what i call a sticky situation

    Ok prom is coming up. The plan was that i was going to drive my firend, his date, and my friends little sister (our prom is for freshman through seniors). Then for irrelevant reasons my friend and his date can't ride with me. So now im just giving his sister a ride. This is where the situation...
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    Should i try to reschedual the date.... AGAIN?

    Okay so i well try to keep this short as possible, cuz i don't like typing, and you don't like reading. Thursday i asked a girl to go snowboarding tomorrow (friday) (we have had a huge snow storm) She said yes and to text her friday. Friday I text her and she said she was grounded, and...
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    Age limits for dating.

    ends up she is in 7th grade.... geshhh:eek:
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    Girl i like is texting me alot

    What is your opinion on texting? I did a search, and i did not see much discussion of texting in high school.
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    Girl i was gaming has a boy friend

    Yep been gaming her every once and a while (we go to different schools so i only see her twice a week). Ends up she has had a BF for only a couple of days. What should i do?
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    Age limits for dating.

    Hi, i have an eighth grader who likes me. Frankly she is not that bad, but the age difference kind of bothers me. My friends say go for it though. What are your opinions?
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    Cell # vs. Home #

    What one is advised in high school?
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    The Official Newbie Dance Thread

    When your slow dancing with a girl do you talk to her? Or what do you do besides holding her?
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    my boot camp journal

    i still cant manage to talk to strangers, just some sort of block. i also live in a small town so i know just about everyone. advice?
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    my boot camp journal

    alright passed week 1. things i experienced... 1. more social 2. had lots of fun 3. girls are noticing me for some reason thats about the extent of it. today was day 1 of week 2. gosh this week well be hard. i tried to talk to some adults down at the fishing docks, but i...
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    my boot camp journal

    39/50. one thing I've already noticed is that girls notice me more. must just be my attitude, and confident appearance. like some chick i barely ever talk to hug my friend, and then she hugged me. has been a very fun week. I think that next week sounds so INTENSE!
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    my boot camp journal

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    my boot camp journal

    11/50 hellos
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    my boot camp journal

    well i just got back from the school and gym. so my hi's well bethis evening. either way i got 4 so far. Cliffs on my "love" life. -never had sex -never had oral -never had a hand job -never kissed -never even held hands -i grew up with only a mother and learned it was right to only...
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    my boot camp journal

    hello soldiers! Alirght, alright, at ease gental men. I know that i am great, but iam also humble. :p as the title says this well be my journal for th BC. i well try to post daily results, and hopefully, i wont flake out since i well have an audience. Right now i got to go to a baseball game...
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    asking on a date

    Thanks, i didnt know if in order for it to be a date u would have to call it a date (if that made any sense) i live in a very small town so not much to do, and to top it off we just had a MAJOR flood so their is even less. So i thought made some sort of sport (ill find out her favorite) and then...
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    asking on a date

    how do you ask it? say i wanted to play... idk... basketball! We should go on a date? or hey wanna go play basketball? or whatever you ask. enlighten me!
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    new years aims/resolutions??

    a little late, but what the hell! 1. Get to Third base 2. Get to 160 lbs, and <10% bf 3. Get a 4 point at school 4. Get a good source of income (at least 1k a month) 5. Go on a vacation 6. Get at least 5 close friends 7. Get a car 8. take a fighting class
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    My computer wont open the bible??

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    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    (HB 9.5) hey danny lets **** (me) lol what? (hb 9.5) nothing... wow i was retarded. sad to think i still was a freshmen.