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    advice: don't buy david deangalo's stuff

    Rocco, you're tripping!!! Listen to Yourself! Too Scientific? Who wouldn't want a scientifically proven system to get laid? If anything DeAngelo's material is masking as science when it really isn't. Not practical? How can something be too scientific and not practical? Geeks lacking...
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    Don’t be a Man. Be a Stoic.

    Stoicism is a philosophy of resignation, the western counterpart to Buddhism. Women don't want a passionless man! Stoicism may be a comforting philosophy for losers, but it will not help you to get laid!
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    John Tucker must Die!

    Is Jesse Metcalfe (John Tucker) as passable player? Why or Why Not?
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    Read This DJs - Introducing White Rose

    Why name your group after the Student 'Nazi Resistance' group documented in the movie "Sophie Scholl?"
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    WR Publication #0002: Dance Classes

    A Word to the Wise I agree with the meeting the girls part, but it should be understood that taking dance lessons is no guarantee to getting laid. This was the issue I took up with Guiseppe Notte's Article on "Where Girls Go To Get Laid." Also it is hard work, I've been taking Salsa lessons for...
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    FYI: Don Juans are Homos!

    Thanks for the info Tomatoes. In my research on Don Juan I didn't think to look up for info on Wikapedia, which is a fantastic resource! Stekel has both a broad category for Don Juan character-types, which he then subdivides into the Don Juans (mysogynistic seducers) and the Casanova types...
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    FYI: Don Juans are Homos!

    The demonic interpretation of the Don Juan legend, created by the seventeenth-century French playwright Moliere, and immortalized by Mozart in his opera, 'Don Giovanni', received support in the twentieth century from a strange quarter. The scientific investigation into the private sexual lives...
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    What Do YOu Think of 'BadBoy'?

    Is anyone here familiar w/'BadBoy's material? I'm pretty intrigued by it. I'm thinking about buying his CDs. I listened to some samples, but wasn't too impressed. But I like his philosophy. I read some of the articles on his site. If anyone here has purchased the CDs, post a message telling me...
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    Intimacy and approaching

    Ever run into Bill Clinton there?
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    Intimacy and approaching

    I thought i gave you one, or two A lot of our limitations are self-imposed. You need to walk before you can fly. The first thing you need to learn is how to feel comfortable around women. Forget about trying to approach a girl for a date right now. Instead, try hanging out in places where a lot...
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    Who is Carlos Xuma? Really.

    As a Hispanic male, I'm really interested in getting dating advice from a guy with a Hispanic background that can speak to issues, or topics from a Hispanic point of view. When i heard the name Carlos Xuma, a Mexican sounding name, I thought this is my man. I visited his website and heard the...
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    Best Seduction E-Book? and opinions on David DeAngelo

    De Angelo's material is high-quality in my opinion, because not only is he a good communicator, but he's done the background research and field tested various theories, discovered what works, then refined and update those theories with concepts of his own, supplementing it w/the latest research...
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    B was the best option for me as well. But it took me awhile before I could do it. Several factors had to be in place. First, I had to get comfortable w/the idea. Second, certain things had to be in place like money and other tools to set it up. Third, I had to find the time and make the...
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    There are two things you can do on that one. A. Find a girl as inexperienced as you are that way it'll be both your first times and your inexpereince won't get noticed. B. Hire a call-girl. I know this is an unorthodox suggestion to be making on this discussion board, but several pick up...
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    It can be a hindrance if you allow it to psyche you out. Truthfully, girls are interested in guys w/experience. This is the opposite attitude of most guys, who are looking for a girl w/little to no experience, since this will make them stand out more as a stud. It's best to not be too honest...
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    Best DJ movies!

    I can't believe some of the titles I'm hearing. 'Teenwolf'? 'Coach Carter'? These are not movies about Don Juans. Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, okay. But Billy Bob Thornton and Samuel Jackson? Maybe someone needs to define what a Don Juan is for you guys. The stereotypical C&F character was best...
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    What is a DJ?

    You can give new meaning to the term if you like, but the term "Don Juan" has a specific history to it. Don Juan was a Spanish nobleman who was rumored to have slept w/thousands of women. I do'nt know if he was an actual person like Casanova, the french "Don Juan", or just a legend. The French...
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    How do you attain Social Status?

    I don't thing you're wrong EverOnward, but I think what offends many people here is when it sounds like you're saying that you must first attain social status before you can do anything; seduce, date, etc. Yes, it helps if you have social status, and its importance is relative to the type of...
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    Difference between PUA and a DJ

    although I think the distinction has been fairly made, here's my 2 cents. A Don Juan is a seducer, like the historic or legendary Don Juan, who was a Spanish nobleman who had slept w/thousands of women like Casanova. So a Don Juan is more or less a natural. A pick up artist is more of a novelty...
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    Double Your Dating Interview Series

    David D doesn't sell back issues of his interviews. Your best bet is ebay. After bidding a couple of times, I got a couple of offers for pirated versions of his material. I bought all the interviews in an mp3 format for under $100.