
Apr 16, 2006
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Is there a certain point where a lack of past experience becomes a hindrance?

Myself I am 18(high school graduate- 1 year out) however to tell the truth to all of you I have no kind of experience dealing with women romatically. I've never been on a date, had a girlfriend, had any intimate physical contact(nah not even kissing), or even tried to hit on any girls before. I have a clean slate..

Does this hurt?

Or could it help in the long run(I have no bad habits)?
Apr 16, 2006
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mr_elor said:
My first thought was to assume that it'd be a hindrance, but I suppose taking into account that you've discovered this site, you won't make as many AFC mistakes as the rest of us. This in turn means your first few experiences will likely run smoother than some of ours, which will in turn will make you more confident.
Thats true.. I caught the problem before I actually got out onto the field..


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
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It can be a hindrance if you allow it to psyche you out. Truthfully, girls are interested in guys w/experience. This is the opposite attitude of most guys, who are looking for a girl w/little to no experience, since this will make them stand out more as a stud. It's best to not be too honest about this lack of experience w/the ladies. And you can certainly do things that will come off as though you had experience. Learning about all of the little tricks and techniques guys post here and using them will make it seem like you've had experience. If fear of being intimate is an issue w/you I suggest you do something about it, since this can hold you back from even making the first move. I started taking ballroom dance lessons to help myself get over the inadequacy I had about touching girls. This might work for you too.
Apr 16, 2006
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mr_elor said:
I notice you're new to the site, but how much have you read etc so far?
I've read the bulk of the literature available on the website.

[quotchator56]It can be a hindrance if you allow it to psyche you out. Truthfully, girls are interested in guys w/experience. This is the opposite attitude of most guys, who are looking for a girl w/little to no experience, since this will make them stand out more as a stud. It's best to not be too honest about this lack of experience w/the ladies. And you can certainly do things that will come off as though you had experience. [/quote]

The bad part is going to be my first time though. How would she not know? I mean doesn't basically everyone not last very long their first time? Also thats kind of dissappointing for it to be your first time but you have to hide that from the chic- or at least to me it is.

chator56 said:
Learning about all of the little tricks and techniques guys post here and using them will make it seem like you've had experience. If fear of being intimate is an issue w/you I suggest you do something about it, since this can hold you back from even making the first move. I started taking ballroom dance lessons to help myself get over the inadequacy I had about touching girls. This might work for you too.
Yeah I think of fear of being intimate is definitely an issue with me. It just seems akward to touch them.. first of all because I grew up in an age of fear about sexual harassment, but also I think I'll seem akward about it and if I am than I know its probably going to make the woman feel uncomfortable which in turn makes it even more stilted. A kind of vicious cycle on that one...

I'm moving in the next few months, so maybe after I get up to Dallas I'll try to get dance lessons if I can find the time and money(I'll be starting culinary school there so the time is the most questionable part).


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
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Freewheelin Frank said:
The bad part is going to be my first time though. How would she not know? I mean doesn't basically everyone not last very long their first time? Also thats kind of dissappointing for it to be your first time but you have to hide that from the chic- or at least to me it is.

Yeah I think of fear of being intimate is definitely an issue with me. It just seems akward to touch them.. first of all because I grew up in an age of fear about sexual harassment, but also I think I'll seem akward about it and if I am than I know its probably going to make the woman feel uncomfortable which in turn makes it even more stilted. A kind of vicious cycle on that one...

I'm moving in the next few months, so maybe after I get up to Dallas I'll try to get dance lessons if I can find the time and money(I'll be starting culinary school there so the time is the most questionable part).
There are two things you can do on that one.
A. Find a girl as inexperienced as you are that way it'll be both your first times and your inexpereince won't get noticed.
B. Hire a call-girl. I know this is an unorthodox suggestion to be making on this discussion board, but several pick up artists, like Stan "The Man", and Tony Clink have given the same advice to help guys starting off to get over their fear of being w/an attractive woman.
Apr 16, 2006
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chator56 said:
There are two things you can do on that one.
A. Find a girl as inexperienced as you are that way it'll be both your first times and your inexpereince won't get noticed.The problem w/that one is that you might fall for a girl w/more experience than yourself.
B. Hire a call-girl. I know this is an unorthodox suggestion to be making on this discussion board, but several pick up artists, like Stan "The Man", and Tony Clink have given the same advice to help guys starting off to get over their fear of an attractive woman.
Realistically B is a more viable option for me than A. I think at my age to find a girl unexperienced like me would be somewhat difficult, and if shes unexperienced the way I am at my age than its probably for a reason, like shes not very sociable. Shy girls place all the pressure on the dude, and I don't think my social skills are good enough to put another unexperienced person like me at ease..

But the thing about B is I don't know how to arrange a date with a prossy. If I knew how by now I would have probably caved and found one anyway..

But at least to get my first time over with I think i'd feel more comfortable with B than A..


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
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Freewheelin Frank said:
Realistically B is a more viable option for me than A. I think at my age to find a girl unexperienced like me would be somewhat difficult, and if shes unexperienced the way I am at my age than its probably for a reason, like shes not very sociable. Shy girls place all the pressure on the dude, and I don't think my social skills are good enough to put another unexperienced person like me at ease..

But the thing about B is I don't know how to arrange a date with a prossy. If I knew how by now I would have probably caved and found one anyway..

But at least to get my first time over with I think i'd feel more comfortable with B than A..
B was the best option for me as well. But it took me awhile before I could do it. Several factors had to be in place. First, I had to get comfortable w/the idea. Second, certain things had to be in place like money and other tools to set it up. Third, I had to find the time and make the commitment, that is, not allow other things to get in the way to sidetrack me. I made an excuse for myself by setting it up on my birthday, that way it could be a gift I was giving to myself. I suggest the dance lessons first before attempting to set up a date w/a hired woman, since you first have to be, at least, somewhat comfortable w/touching a woman before attempting to make out w/one. Also, beginning to touch women and getting up close and personal w/them will increase your desire to get sexual w/a woman. I find myself having dirty thoughts all of time, when I'm dancing w/a girl/woman.