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  1. C

    Creed's workout log

    28.5.08 squats-3x5@80kg seated leg press-3x5@155kg Leg curls- 3x10@50kg Did some calves too. Bench- 1x8,1x6,1x3@60 have definitely gotten weaker DB inclines-3x10@20kg Bodyweight dips. Flat DB flies
  2. C

    Creed's workout log

    Woot Im back on the circuit. Exams sucked before anybody asks so you dont have to waste one of your posts. I havent been doing any sort of exercise for basicly the last 4 weeks, as i really didn't have time. Went to gym yesterday for first time and weighed myself.Ive gained 1Kg of pure fat in...
  3. C


    Any body know where I can get grade B maple syrup in the UK? please dont answer Scotland :)
  4. C

    Creed's workout log

    Uni exams on the horizon. I am afraid i will have to put training on hold for about a month. I have to admit to myself that starting this month was a really stupid choice and I think that a part of me wanted to procrastinate from studying. After exams are over and I have money I PROMISE (to...
  5. C

    Poisoning ourselves on a regular basis

    I think the plastic link to puberty has been known for a long time. Plastics somehow produce/contain eostrogen Im not sure how. And our tap water is filled with eostrogen as our water suppliers do not have a process to remove it. That is why girls reach puberty so much faster these days. I read...
  6. C

    Creed's workout log

    16.04.08 I was feeling weak today. A combination of not having enough carbs the night before (and crap carbs at that) since I work out in the mornings and also not drinking enough water the day before. So i decided todays workout would be more to do with testing to see if i had gotten any...
  7. C

    Fighting Bullies TIPS thread

    I would say im not exactly from a ghetto HS or that, but ive never been bullied even though i am short, was fat and smart (read: geeky) and oriental so all in all id say i was pretty bulliable. So heres my advice: Bullies just want attention, dont give it to them. Petty Bullying like name...
  8. C

    F%& Me I Stink!

    Oh if you do like the idea of detoxing try this: Im considering doing it myself in a couple of months time when I will have absolutely nothing to do. Apperently it can help cure long term problems like asthma and allergies. I hate my hayfever...
  9. C

    Creed's workout log

    14.04.08 Deadlift 3x3 110kg hyperextension 3x10 for back and each side with 15kg plate. Pullups 3x5 bodyweight Lateral pulldowns BB rows 3x10 30kg
  10. C

    F%& Me I Stink!

    BO is caused by bacteria feeding on your sweat and making smelly stuff from it. So try to minimise sweating eg wear loose clothing, keep a window open if possible. Body hair also provides a large surface area for bacteria to grow on so shave your pubes. Girls like that anyway ;) . And your...
  11. C

    Creed's workout log

    11.04.08 Squat 2x4--70kg, 1x5--80kg Leg press 3x10--155kg Leg curls 3x5--125lb Leg ext. 3x5--125lb Bench 3x5--65kg although I did not lower the bar enough. Spotter had to help for the last 3 reps Dips 3x5--bodyweight Incline BB 3x5--50kg Chest: 37.5 inches Arms: 13.75 inches (both) My...
  12. C

    Anyone know of this life changing film?

    An inconvenient truth? Had a fat al gore in it
  13. C

    Creed's workout log

    09.04.08 Forgot to bring my notebook so this is what I can remember. Deadlift 3x3 105kg hyperextension 3x10 for back and each side with 10kg plate. Pullups 3x5 bodyweight Lateral pulldowns BB rows 3x10 roughly 20kg My lower back is tired after the deadlifts but my legs are...
  14. C

    Creed's workout log

    I know, I must eat more!! Whats the general opinion on chicken liver? It packs more protein per 100g than steak does and its about 1/5 of the price. I know its high in cholesterol but I read somewhere on this board that that...
  15. C

    Creed's workout log

    I know that I'm not eating enough. A normal day consists of: Breakfast-bowl of cereal Lunch- 2 sandwiches 8 eggs( PWO) Snacking throughout the day fruit, yoghurt, cookies anything really.maybe 2-3 pieces per day, chocolate when it takes my fancy but this is not often. Dinner- Some meat with...
  16. C

    Would you rather be Clark Kent or Superman?

    I think you are right penkitten. I'd like to get to the point where I'm a DJ on the outside but still a nice guy on the inside lol. Clearly these are the words of a raging afc. They are not Pampers, I think they are actually some sort of performance enhancing dry-fit pants.
  17. C

    Creed's workout log

    Workout A 3x3 Squat legs-curls, presses, Extensions 3x3 Bench Chest- Dips (Arnold says so!! ),Incline, decline, cable crossover Workout B 3x3 Deads Hyperextension 3x3 Pullups Lat Pulldowns, BB rows abs alternating workouts monday wednesday friday I'm gonna stay off isolation for a bit Did...
  18. C

    Would you rather be Clark Kent or Superman?

    I've just had a thought: Is Superman a DJ? Superman Always calm Sticks to his principles Decisive Confident Only fights to protect Clark Kent Meek Hesitant Nice Doormat Stumbles over his words I'm basing these observations on Christopher Reeves (RIP) portrayal. No wonder Lois...
  19. C

    Creed's workout log

    So starting my log today after my first workout on a new routine. I've been working out casually for a year and then had a month layoff. So in starting a new routine I'm hoping to get some decent strength/size gains. Last week I did a moderate intensity 5 day split just to get the muscles used...
  20. C

    Newb here with a few Qs

    Yes protein packed cereals such as Meatibix lol. Point taken very little protein in milk. 33g/litre