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  1. T

    Made a fake POF profile with gym rat photos

    You're talking to 20 women?? What is your motivation in doing this? You are not the guy in the pictures. You mentioned before you tell the girls to meet you at a bar, then you sit off to the side to watch their reaction as the guy they thought they were talking to never shows up. That is some...
  2. T

    Pretending to be Chad Thundercock on Tinder.

    Yeah... that's real normal, dude.
  3. T

    Pretending to be Chad Thundercock on Tinder.

    I would talk to a shrink. You got some issues, man.
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    Made a fake POF profile with gym rat photos

    I was looking through those conversations again. There is something seriously wrong with you dude.
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    Made a fake POF profile with gym rat photos

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned how sick this is. Getting a rise out of impersonating someone, and manipulating people isn't normal. You need your head examined.
  6. T

    POF: Women respond, but it goes nowhere

    If I message 20 girls, 6 or 7 will respond. If they wanted nothing to do with me, they wouldn't reply to begin with. I've tried long drawn out conversations, quick ones, intellectual ones, acting normal, weird, etc. Most of my conversations go well, then it tapers off into radio silence. I've...
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    2 More Recent Apporach Videos: Hot Girl at Grocery & Quick Street Pull

    lmao like a girl wouldn't notice a second guy sticking a camera phone in her face for 15 minutes following them around the store. faaaaaaake
  8. T

    Quitting Weed

    Most potheads are extremely depressed people who rely on weed to cope with how miserable their lives are. These people aren't getting high because it's "cool", they're doing it to escape their reality. I had a bunch of friends that smoked constantly. It's all surface level with these people.
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    The darker side of the Selfish Gene theory. Why are we so afraid of a 4-letter word?

    You are a sadistic sociopath. Do society a favor and stay away from people altogether.
  10. T

    When did the bar scene become so cliquey?

    man, it feels like you're walking into a house party! I remember in the late 90s early 00s you could actually spot some single girls looking to meet people. Now they're all in groups and it's hard to tell if they're with their BFs or not. what happened? I'm not gonna walk over and intrude on a...
  11. T

    Girl called me Ted Bundy at the bar

    So I hit up my favorite hot spot. It's usually crawling with hotties, and this night was no exception. They were in a group of four (which I suspected was going to be trouble). Nonetheless, I walked over with my Vodka tonic in hand. I was making casual conversation, etc. Everyone was...
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    Enough with this FLAKING business

    excellent post.
  13. T

    I have no emotions

    you're probably a sociopath.
  14. T

    Friend is a major sex addict - How can I get his confidence?

    I've been reading this site for a while because I wanted to get better with women, and I've concluded my friend is completely off the deep end. I went over to his apartment, and he showed me logs of the women he's slept with. I mean, he keeps it meticulous like a spread sheet. Their name, breast...
  15. T

    High five everyone that walks by

    I could see this being a rather effective strategy. Thanks for the tip, brother.