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  1. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    Ok this is what I have been eating the past couple months or so breakfast Whole grain wheat bread with about 3 tablespoons of peanut butter A cup of oatmeal with a cup of skin milk lunch preworkout A cup of oatmeal.A cup of Milk and a banana Or will carb load with a bowl of spagetti before...
  2. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    Thanks for the reply guys
  3. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    @attack formation Would you say if I ditched weight lifting. And do bodyweight exercises like pulls up,chin ups dips for tricep,diamond push-ups that I would lose the muscle I have worked for a year Would the long head of my tricep developed from rope downs and my side delts from lateral be...
  4. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    I'd say compound movements and less focus on Isolation but also genetics.There is this individual with developmental disability where I work this dude has a thick neck traps,torso,chest,legs,calves and backs and he doesn't even lift. And he makes me look tiny.I don't want to fall into the trap...
  5. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    I am a minimalist. I just eat basic peanut butter sandwich oatmeal eggs.Use to be into the whole 1 gram per pound protein and 2500 calories up idea for building muscle.I just want to be around 15 percent body fat with descent muscle.I don't want to spend over 200 bucks a month on food because...
  6. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    @espi yeah man sometimes I feel that because I have a shaved head I need to project a more dominant alpha look because I am bald.I realize this this is media and societal brainwashing.I would say I actually feel more natural when I am a little more feminine and don't feel the pressure to need to...
  7. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    Thanks for the reply guys
  8. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    @cordoncordon this is the typical american well built white guy look you see at bars.Women seem to like these bodytypes because their is a bit of "softness" under the muscles What i am talking about is...
  9. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    you see i have no problems if its a builtfat 18 percent bodyfat. Some fat but descent amount of muscle underneath it.
  10. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    Interesting observation while my arms are about 14.5 inches and i can curl 40lb dumbells with each arm and do tricep pushdown with ALL of the weights on the rack(I actually have to add a 45 lb plate) my arms are still are saying they look underdeveloped.I would say my triceps are one...
  11. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    Is my bodytype closer to Builtfat or Athletic?
  12. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    Just trying to maintain and maybe recomp i don't want to put on any more fat.I wouldn't mind putting on more muscle but don't want to go through cut.bulk cycles so i just continue to eat at maintenance.
  13. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    yeah i tend to store fat in my stomach and face and love handles.Not too much in the glutes.If i didn't lift i would be skinny fat.The thing that bothers me however, is that alot of times i wear tight shirts and walk straight and notice that women don't look in my direction when i check them out...
  14. L

    Is this 15 percent bodyfat?

    I am about 5 ft 8 166 Bmi of around 25
  15. L

    Loose vs tight fitting clothing which one suits me better?

    Here is me in a V-neck shirt..Does this help with the tapering of my upperbody? Here is a video of me flexing...If i really push it i go for a a Fight Club physique and cut even more.. I try not to eat...
  16. L

    Loose vs tight fitting clothing which one suits me better?

    I am tired of dressing like a metrosexual and feel more like a man wearing looser clothing.This society is designed to feminize us turn us into girly guys. I went out to the bar last night wear the same exact clothes loose fitting addidas shirt with military colored swim shorts and got some...
  17. L

    Remaining Aloof while not being Cold

    You can't act aloof because then you become attached to the idea of being unattached hence you are attached. You have to really be ok with whatever the outcome is. Really no other way
  18. L

    Loose vs tight fitting clothing which one suits me better?

    I don't think i have the body type to get big with this ectomorph bodytype I have been lifting for a year and can finally bench 200,Dumbell fly with 40-45 on each side and curl about 40-45 lb dumbbells on each arm.Lateral and front raises with 20 lb dumbbells on each side and im still...