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  1. B

    you all will be amazed at this

    nah aight....first of all i only did it to 2 good friends of mine cause i wanted to see how it was gonna word. and i didnt kiss them i just blew them a kiss but just doing the kiss motion with your mouth.
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    you all will be amazed at this

    nope sophmore in collage and why are u all acting like that? it do work although it sounds silly
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    you all will be amazed at this

    today during classes right as always in my last hour the class is boring as f*** so as always i acted a clown in class making fun of everybody,joking with the teacher, etc... so i tried something on several females that wasnt necesarly hot. what i did was have a regular convo then when there...
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    you know you a dj when you dont need this site no more?

    well i didnt mean to ask i was trynna just see some opinions on it i know i am lol
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    you know you a dj when you dont need this site no more?

    man lately i havent even visit the forum. i mean before i use to spend the whole day in this forums but in the last few months i visit maybe once a week and dont even post just to stay updated. is that a sign that im a dj? i mean now i dont even got questions about should i do this or what...
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    Whats the suavest things you've ever said to a HB?

    LMAO!!!!!! i like that i like your mentality is just like mine in this situation. u dont give a fuk cause you got your main girl so u just playing around with your coworker and if anything happends......hey!
  7. B

    Whats the suavest things you've ever said to a HB?

    oh and u said that u like her?? bad start my friend....whateva happened to being a mistery, now she knows that u like her and watch her starting to act different now. her face went black cause she just founded out that u like her and now she sees you in a different way, thinkin to have u as...
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    Whats the suavest things you've ever said to a HB?

    enigmatic i think that u are gettin the wrong idea. i think that this girl made this face because she didnt expect you to say that, dont mean she like u. im not hating or nothing but thats how i see it. good luck with her
  9. B

    Girls calling me gay.What the **** is this????

    lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for laughing but you look gay as fvk uuueeeee!!!!!!!!!!! you look like you just came out of prison or something!!!! lol!!!!!!!!! look at that shirt yall lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wait look at them lips tell me they aint female lips lMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! i aint finish look...
  10. B

    99.9% accuracy to get u a number in 20 secs

    well update: Today i tried this very tip on 3 different girls. the first one gave me her number second one started to crack jokes and ended giving me her number and third one seem like she wanted me to ask her for the number without using any lines. She said "i dont even know u i cant...
  11. B

    my abs develop overnight you all

    u dam right that im seeing things. im seeing 6 small boxes that want to pop up. im serious man evertime that i start working them out after i stop doing them for like a month i start seeing results tje next day
  12. B

    my abs develop overnight you all

    i dont know but i might be some type of alien or something but i remember when i first started to do sit ups the next day i could already see the six pack starting to show. Now as we speak i 've been for like 3 or 4 months without doing abs and i just started 2 days ago again and here we go my...
  13. B

    99.9% accuracy to get u a number in 20 secs

    just to clear things up it was in a college class you all not hs or jh
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    99.9% accuracy to get u a number in 20 secs

    exacly bugo pony. Deep dish: read what puno said. Lion heart: man if u say it the right way and the girl has a tenth of a sense of humor and she finds u atratctive she will give you the number, how are u gonna say not a good tip when u haven't even tried it? trust me it works
  15. B

    99.9% accuracy to get u a number in 20 secs

    Im so amaze about this that it aint even funny you all. My friend told me this today in class and i'm so sure that it works ....... First make sure you got a pen and paper, then think of your favorite or finest famous person that u know ( ofcourse it has to be a female). Now what u do is u...
  16. B

    we are going out but she acts like she doesnt wanna be seen wit me!!

    yeha why is that man? everytime that her friends are not looking she is all over me and kissing me and all that but when some of her friends even if one friend is near her or something she acts like we are totally extrangers. I realized that today when i approached her. i start asking her...
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    well if you want to understand the whole situation read the post: You all need to help me here (after 1 1/2 months)
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    how about in my situation. i'm not going out with her yet but we like each other and all but she keeps saying give me some time . should i buy her a gift ( although she has a boyfriend) or should i let her man do the spending, :D as at right now we are just friends who like each other but may...