Recent content by zekko

  1. zekko

    Women's Looks

    All women have to do for guys is take their clothes off. They dress to impress other women.
  2. zekko

    Women's Looks

    Fat is the biggest attraction killer on women, but there are plenty of guys around who will bang a woman who is overweight.
  3. zekko

    Women's Looks

    Conventional wisdom says that women dress to try to impress other women, and I can't disagree with that. It's sort of a rivalry thing, like men are competitive also. But the idea of being able to attract men is in there also.
  4. zekko


  5. zekko

    do you take it personally when a girl is not interested?

    I've never enjoyed rejection. But a lot of the time, you really are dodging a bullet.
  6. zekko

    Long Story: Sister is infect with feminist wokeness

    It's all about a lack of accountability. She can dress skimpily, but no man can look at her, because she isn't accountable for anything. If a man looks at her, it's HIS fault, even if she's sticking it out there for all to see. Oh, you can have an opinion. It just has to be hers.
  7. zekko

    "The Look"

    I love that Scarjo isn't checking out Colin Jost in that clip.
  8. zekko

    Why Men Have Given Up On Dating Women

    Yeah, that's another factor that's really changed the dating culture. I have no idea what the percentages were, but I am guessing that it used to be extremely common for couples to form from working together. It seems like the most natural thing in the world - throw a bunch of people together...
  9. zekko

    Sex is powerful

    Regular sex can break the tension, and keep you relaxed. That's why they call it a release. And that relaxed attitude makes it easier to attract women. The last thing a woman wants is a guy who's all tensed up.
  10. zekko

    Why Men Have Given Up On Dating Women

    I'm in a steady LTR with a great girl who seems to appreciate me, have been for a good while now. That's good enough for me. Being an introvert (and happily so), I prefer LTRs. It's similar to my approach to friendships. I prefer to have a deep, reliable friendship (relationship) to having a...
  11. zekko

    Why Men Have Given Up On Dating Women

    That's how I felt about golf, lol. Not that I cared about beating my opponent, but I wasn't meeting my expectations for improvement.
  12. zekko

    How to try and finally get out of the friendzone?

    It's interesting that it seems so easy to just get serious with some other girl. I guess it's the attitude that you are simply using this girl, and have no real investment or emotions for her that makes it so easy. I'd say use that tactic to find a girl (since it's so easy), and then open up...
  13. zekko

    They say a cougar is an older woman who goes for younger guys, what age gap?

    Pants man? Lol. I bet she was the cat's meow and the bee's knees.
  14. zekko

    They say a cougar is an older woman who goes for younger guys, what age gap?

    I don't think that would be a cougar, that would be granny porn. :)
  15. zekko

    Nofap does works , wtf!

    I suppose it might make a difference just how out of control your habit is.