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  1. zekko

    About this 9/10 girl

    Well, not my idea of one either. But if you know what you're doing, and the girl likes you, I'm sure you could pull it off successfully.
  2. zekko

    About this 9/10 girl

    That's true, especially if she's really a 9. The hotter they are, the easier it is for them to move on to the next guy. I do think not going for the kiss was a mistake though. If you can't take charge and move things along, they might decide they're wasting time with you, and they don't want...
  3. zekko

    Anyone got a good take on this fallacy ?

    One reason is women want the best man, but men like variety. That keeps a lot of women in demand.
  4. zekko

    About this 9/10 girl

    In defense of the jogging, that's the kind of date the PUA gurus used to tell you to have, the "action date", doing something that got you active or your heart rate up. That said, a lot of girls talk a big game when it comes to exercise, but don't really want to do it very often. I've never...
  5. zekko

    Are these Selena fans like closet lessies?

    Is there still a closet?
  6. zekko

    The more fake you are

    This reminds me of something I have done occasionally to strengthen relationships with women. I'm not proud of it, but I've done it. I would intentionally engage in some intentionally malicious gossip (usually in a lighthearted, tongue in cheek way) that I know will please the girl I'm talking...
  7. zekko

    Hobbies to do alone

    I always wanted to try painting, but I never seem to get around to it.
  8. zekko

    Am I overcomplicating Getting girls

    I agree with this. A lot of guys maintain that "jacked = good looking". Well, in some cases, yes. Like being in good shape can give you a more distinctive jawline, for example. So it can help. But in other cases, no.
  9. zekko

    Stumbled across the female version of girls!

    Well, that definitely sounds like 2024.
  10. zekko

    How the decline in casual dinning parallels a man’s struggles in modern dating

    You should see all the people who try to convince me otherwise, lol.
  11. zekko

    Stumbled across the female version of girls!

    Women shouldn't need game to attract men, unless they're unattractive to begin with. Honestly, what would work best on men is kind of "anti-game", don't play games at all. Just be friendly, eager to please, and act like you appreciate him - guys will lap that up all day long.
  12. zekko


    That's a big part of the problem.
  13. zekko


    We all have roles to play. Even to be male is to play a role. Not only is there nothing wrong with that, it's the way things are meant to be. I would imagine most people struggle with modern dating, since the culture is broken.
  14. zekko


    Guys should do whatever they think appropriate for their situation. Most likely we have different definitions of bad boy, to me it has always brought up a negative connotation that I don't like. For instance, "boy" vs. "man". Whatever. What I really want to say is that there are different...
  15. zekko


    Be a badboy if you want, it doesn't appeal to me. As I said before, I have zero interest in being a bad boy. To me, it's setting the bar too low. I'm not going to aspire to be something I have no interest in being. If that costs me some women, so be it. Small price to pay. I would prefer...
  16. zekko


    I am a big proponent of being yourself, I know many people dislike or refute that answer. But if you aren't the best version of yourself, then that isn't good enough. Usually when guys say they can't be themselves it's because they think their selves are pvssies with women or whatever...
  17. zekko


    You can put me in this category, except that I won't die as an incel. I have zero interest in being a "bad boy", it sounds repulsive to me. If that costs me a few women, honestly I could care less. I will be myself and nothing else. Fortunately, some women find me attractive anyway.
  18. zekko

    Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy on First Contact

    Then there's the old stand next to you and stick her boob on your arm. They seem oblivious, but are they?
  19. zekko

    Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy on First Contact

    There's also that move where you take their hand and put your other hand on top of it.
  20. zekko

    Ways to Increase Physical Intimacy on First Contact

    I've never been one for hard and fast rules, so whatever someone is comfortable with. There is such a thing as pushing your boundaries. I'm not a particularly touchy-feely type of guy myself, so to me a hug is just something you throw yourself into. But shaking a hand is better than getting...