My prediction for dating by 2028 and beyond the foreseeable future


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Just looked at your link, that is from 2008. I can tell you that since then, things have changed immensely in terms of white women going interracial. Whether I was in NYC or in Miami, I have seen an exponential rise in White women going interracial and it is typically in the younger generation. Like 2008 may as well have been 30 years ago if anything because the world has changed in a massive way since then.

What I am noticing is that White Women saw White Men having all the fun for decades and at some point, just flat out rebelled. It used to be that they only went for Black dudes when going interracial but these days, Asian men with White women is on the rise as well as other kinds of ethnic men. I think with every passing generation, Gen Z and onward, White women are going to rebel big time and go interracial.

Plus, a lot of men of minority groups are rising as well in society. Asian men have been doing well but I notice with Black men, there are more and more rising to positions of power.

Heck, even Trump's Right Wing movement hired Kash Patel as the Director Of FBI! And look who Kash is dating lol.

Two things can be right
Gen-Z/Younger white women are dating out more compared to previous generations


White women if they date out tend to deal with minority men who are of higher status(whether it's short term mating i.e. looks, muscles, for sex. Or Long term). The Patel case you are stating is proof of that. If Patel was working at a food truck, do you think that "Nicole" would give him the time of day? hell no, Let me be clear I'm talking about attractive white women, not white women who are busted lmfao.

We are in an era now where women more than ever want to be taken care of, you see it in the trad wife/girlfriend movement, the "Soft era" girl movement etc. Who are the leaders or the most vocal about it? white women of course. Most men aren't able to finance this type of lifestyle because things are too expensive and let's be real luxury is something that was never meant for the masses, social media has opened Pandora's box. Hence now modern men feel women standards (especially white women) are higher than ever. On the flipside white women have always enjoyed privilege and entitlement. The Redpill thinks this is just a recent thing, but white men have always provided for white women. The main change is that women now are in the workforce so their standards have risen because women now make their own money.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Two things can be right
Gen-Z/Younger white women are dating out more compared to previous generations


White women if they date out tend to deal with minority men who are of higher status(whether it's short term mating i.e. looks, muscles, for sex. Or Long term). The Patel case you are stating is proof of that. If Patel was working at a food truck, do you think that "Nicole" would give him the time of day? hell no, Let me be clear I'm talking about attractive white women, not white women who are busted lmfao.

We are in an era now where women more than ever want to be taken care of, you see it in the trad wife/girlfriend movement, the "Soft era" girl movement etc. Who are the leaders or the most vocal about it? white women of course. Most men aren't able to finance this type of lifestyle because things are too expensive and let's be real luxury is something that was never meant for the masses, social media has opened Pandora's box. Hence now modern men feel women standards (especially white women) are higher than ever. On the flipside white women have always enjoyed privilege and entitlement. The Redpill thinks this is just a recent thing, but white men have always provided for white women. The main change is that women now are in the workforce so their standards have risen because women now make their own money.
I think it is very environment dependent more than anything. The only time some Stacy is dating a low value white guy is if they met through social circle and he had status in it, aka the Church Game and Greek Life hack down south. So I think what you are saying for about minorities applies to even White guys, which is why so many of them who aren't Chads or have a social circle are going incel.

My point also being, a lot of minorities are rising to that level socioeconomically where naturally, they will date white women more.

While a lot of what you said is true, I am just pointing to the fact that since 2008, WW with minorities has gotten more common and will get more common in the coming years. Expect a ton of backlash from that from White Incels and hypocritical ethnic women (mainly of the East Asian and Latina variety).


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I think it is very environment dependent more than anything. The only time some Stacy is dating a low value white guy is if they met through social circle and he had status in it, aka the Church Game and Greek Life hack down south. So I think what you are saying for about minorities applies to even White guys, which is why so many of them who aren't Chads or have a social circle are going incel.

My point also being, a lot of minorities are rising to that level socioeconomically where naturally, they will date white women more.

While a lot of what you said is true, I am just pointing to the fact that since 2008, WW with minorities has gotten more common and will get more common in the coming years. Expect a ton of backlash from that from White Incels and hypocritical ethnic women (mainly of the East Asian and Latina variety).
I don't disagree with you, the next two decades will be interesting. I remember there was a time when white women were ashamed for having big butts or being "thick" and they now embrace it. and even flaunt their curves. Things are changing. 20 years ago you would not have seen this. As this was considered disgusting by white men however taste and standards have changed drastically

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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@Solomon I also notice now that white women dye their hair black to look like Kim K and the Jenner sisters, it used to be that bleaching blonde was the way to go. Ironically, the more ethnic white women make themselves look, the more I see that they like darker guys. It is the reverse with ethnic women who bleach their hair blonde, my Asian friend cannot for the life of him get Asian women who dye their hair blonde.

However, white women with minorities is on the rise more and more every year. WW with black dudes used to be shamed to no ends and kept under the covers but now it is so out in the open. WW with Hispanic dudes used to not be a thing but it is becoming more common. Since the rise of Kpop, so many white girls have gotten into Asian dudes.

All of these lean younger too.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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white women with minorities is on the rise more and more every year. WW with black dudes used to be shamed to no ends and kept under the covers but now it is so out in the open. WW with Hispanic dudes used to not be a thing but it is becoming more common. Since the rise of Kpop, so many white girls have gotten into Asian dudes.

All of these lean younger too.
Majority of White women are still dating within their own race (White men).

Most men still find they have the most realistic options dating within their own race/ethnicity.

White women are fussiest about height and most Hispanic men are not very tall. Hispanic men tend to get with Hispanic women the most as Hispanic women are less demanding on height and more accustomed to shorter men.


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
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TLDR Summary....It is over for men lol. I wish I could predict a happy ending, but I simply cannot.
I think that this prediction is way off-base, and doesn't belong on this forum to begin with. We are all here because we were either never Blackpilled to begin with or are moving away from the Blackpill mentality and committing to do the best with what the modern world throws at us, and posting doom and gloom that demoralises other members instead of field reports and workable advice is entirely counterproductive, especially when it is speculation. There are jarring contradictions involving trends that, if they come true, can only mean good things for men - how can women be simultaneously abandoning the idea of sacrificing their careers for dating, abandoning online dating, and becoming closed-off to cold approach? They are going to get sex somehow. I am probably more familiar with the Blackpill community than anyone else here and these are not even the same views that Incels hold.

This has already been happening but is likely to increase by 2028.

Femcel is really the wrong term for this. Very few females under menopause age lack sex. What women tend to lack is committed sex.

Chateau Heartiste had a term for these women. Insols - involuntary solitude.

The female insol and the male incel are roughly analogous. However, the female insol is rarely a social outcast and usually has acceptable social skills.
I think that there are very few women who can't get either sex or commitment from a realistic man. The closest equivalent to Incels among women would probably be Female Dating Strategists. Both cohorts are lonely and form groups where they complain on the Internet and discuss strategies to escape their circumstances, but whereas the Incels cannot get any sexual action whatsoever and have the goal of "ascension", the FDSers won't come to terms with their true SMV and date within their league, and are holding out for the ultimate achievement of bagging a high-SMV meal ticket with their less-than-model-tier looks and (probably, in many cases) poor attitude.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I disagree, in fact, I think the opposite will happen. White women who have been shamed relentlessly for decades by internet trolls, incels, bitter white men, and society at large will come out and go interracial in droves. It won't just be with black guys but literally any minority group out there. The Internet Alt Right is going to get such a rude awakening that I think it is going to lead to some massive society-wide issues.

You have already seen Latin music rise to the top in the past decade so while it used to be that white woman with a Latino was "ooohh she is dating that Mexican", now it is "oh she is dating Bad Bunny!". Then you have Asian guys with the Kpop expansion.

I notice that when I see white guys with Asian women or Latinas, barring exceptions, the chick is ugly AF or hopelessly insecure. A lot of times with Asian women it is an older couple or the girl is not even that hot, or its clearly that she is with him for the money.

Meanwhile, with younger people I see way more Asian dudes with white women.

Heck even Kash Patel of the FBI is dating a hot country music singer and the Alt Right isn't losing its mind over it.
The White race has always been the most beautiful, and will continue to be so. Sure, there will be some women who will go interracial, but the higher-tier women will generally only do it with high-status or thug-status ethnics. They will continue to be Chads' plates, and it would not be a surprise to be a surge in these gals "having an accident". That said, I think intelligent chicks will not consider lighter-skinned Asians as ethnic, so long as they are not tiny, and of course, have a very good job, etc.

Normie-tier White men go for ethnics because the only White women that give them attention are single mommies & fatties. :mad: And Incel-tier White men will settle for ugly ethnics.

Something I have noticed in my expanded social circle is that the men there are only marrying ethnic women - Latinas or Hapas. And I have noticed a lot of military-looking men (i.e. jarheads, but not in my social circle, but in my hamlet) with very petite Asian wives and their Hapa kids. I should say that this isn't California or other places where you see a lot of Asians, even though there are som Vietnamese around (they seem to get around everywhere).


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Just looked at your link, that is from 2008. I can tell you that since then, things have changed immensely in terms of white women going interracial. Whether I was in NYC or in Miami, I have seen an exponential rise in White women going interracial and it is typically in the younger generation. Like 2008 may as well have been 30 years ago if anything because the world has changed in a massive way since then.

What I am noticing is that White Women saw White Men having all the fun for decades and at some point, just flat out rebelled. It used to be that they only went for Black dudes when going interracial but these days, Asian men with White women is on the rise as well as other kinds of ethnic men. I think with every passing generation, Gen Z and onward, White women are going to rebel big time and go interracial.

Plus, a lot of men of minority groups are rising as well in society. Asian men have been doing well but I notice with Black men, there are more and more rising to positions of power.

Heck, even Trump's Right Wing movement hired Kash Patel as the Director Of FBI! And look who Kash is dating lol.

Is she white? She looks Middle Eastern or Euroasian. And that dude is punching way out of his league here lol...but he has power and money so its all good.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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The White race has always been the most beautiful, and will continue to be so.
Latinas and North African women just entered the chat lol. Bro give me a big booty Latina that looks like Pocahontas ANY day bro. OMG you have no idea. Of course my wife is Middle Eastern and they are gorgeous too.

Its difficult to say that white women are the most beautiful. Is it that we dont notice the ugly ones? For example Slavic chicks are hot but are the native British chicks just as hot?

Also look at those Weather girls on those Mexican channels!!!! Yummy!

I think its a tie between Latinas, North African, Slavic chicks and Middle Eastern chicks. Can you imagine if you had a rotation of them all. Damn.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Also look at those Weather girls on those Mexican channels!!!! Yummy!
They are attractive. They are not reflective of Hispanic women as a whole.

The White race has always been the most beautiful, and will continue to be so.
White women are heavily pursued by other races/ethnicities. South Asian men (mainly Indian/Indian-American) tend to go wild for them.

As a White man, I am most physically attracted to White women.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Is she white? She looks Middle Eastern or Euroasian. And that dude is punching way out of his league here lol...but he has power and money so its all good.
Come to think of it, I have noticed that the attractive White women who do go interracial a lot tend to have that borderline ethnic look to them or they make themselves look more ethnic. Like I am far more likely to see an Italian/Greek/Albanian/Black Irish/Swarthy in general white girl go for a handsome ethnic than the blonde with blue eyes.

Could be self-selection too. White girls who want ethnics make their hair black and get tans to look more ethnic while the ones who want white guys only tend to be platinum blonde or make themselves look more white.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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White women are heavily pursued by other races/ethnicities. South Asian men (mainly Indian/Indian-American) tend to go wild for them.

As a White man, I am most physically attracted to White women.
IMO, the one race to go beyond wild for White women are Middle Eastern and Arab men. I have never seen more of a thirst and desperation for White girls from any other group of men out there than Iranians, Turks, Lebanese, and any kind of Arabian guys really. Like these dudes would give an arm and a leg to get with a White girl.

Asian and Indian men get gaslighted for going for White women but Arab dudes would do just about anything to get with one.

Just look at what has happened to Sweden ever since they let Syrian and Arab refugees in and the harassment wave in Germany due to the refugees.

A lot in Europe also turn violent because European white women love black men more than they love them.

But no other race takes the cake for worshiping white women than the Arabs and Middle Eastern men. It is their sole purpose in life to affiliate with whiteness as much as possible. Many as brown as Indians even consider themselves white lol.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
The White race has always been the most beautiful, and will continue to be so. Sure, there will be some women who will go interracial, but the higher-tier women will generally only do it with high-status or thug-status ethnics. They will continue to be Chads' plates, and it would not be a surprise to be a surge in these gals "having an accident". That said, I think intelligent chicks will not consider lighter-skinned Asians as ethnic, so long as they are not tiny, and of course, have a very good job, etc.

Normie-tier White men go for ethnics because the only White women that give them attention are single mommies & fatties. :mad: And Incel-tier White men will settle for ugly ethnics.

Something I have noticed in my expanded social circle is that the men there are only marrying ethnic women - Latinas or Hapas. And I have noticed a lot of military-looking men (i.e. jarheads, but not in my social circle, but in my hamlet) with very petite Asian wives and their Hapa kids. I should say that this isn't California or other places where you see a lot of Asians, even though there are som Vietnamese around (they seem to get around everywhere).
One thing I have noticed is that ethnics are getting better looking every generation, at least in the west. For some reason, I am seeing a lot more Asian and Indian guys over 6 ft these days who are in the Gen Z crowd and clearly younger. It was not as common back in the day but now you are seeing it.

TBH, I think women go for social status, looks, and standing.

Asian and Indian men are assimilating more into western society with each passing generation, gaining status, and getting genetically bigger due to the western diet. To top this off, they are usually in social groups with upper middle class white girls and I even noticed in college how with each incoming class, a fraternity would have more and more token Asian and Indian dudes.

It is causing a lot of ethnic on ethnic racism because some of the more poor Arab (who worship white women the most) and certain incel Latino guys are ganging up on AMWF and IMWF couples online. Just read the IG comments and the racist comments are all from Latino and Arab dudes.

My point being, White women are going to make up for some lost time with these interracial relationships and it is going to hit western society like a ton of bricks.

I will continue to laugh at Asian chicks losing their minds over Asian guys going for White girls, the hypocrisy lol.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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8). Men suicides, depression and violent crimes will begin to be a major concern-
Some men seem to be happy about this. One poster comes to mind in particular.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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They are attractive. They are not reflective of Hispanic women as a whole.

White women are heavily pursued by other races/ethnicities. South Asian men (mainly Indian/Indian-American) tend to go wild for them.

As a White man, I am most physically attracted to White women.
This is very true bro. White women are at the top of the beauty standards in the West and even in the East to a large extent.

As for me personally I like Latinas a little more. Then I also like biracial black women and then middle easterns. Hey i cant choose I like them all.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
They are attractive. They are not reflective of Hispanic women as a whole.

White women are heavily pursued by other races/ethnicities. South Asian men (mainly Indian/Indian-American) tend to go wild for them.

As a White man, I am most physically attracted to White women.
I have noticed that White guys seem almost genetically drawn to Japanese/ asian women. They really like the phenotype. Why is this?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
One thing I have noticed is that ethnics are getting better looking every generation, at least in the west. For some reason, I am seeing a lot more Asian and Indian guys over 6 ft these days who are in the Gen Z crowd and clearly younger. It was not as common back in the day but now you are seeing it.
This is because these men's ancestors had figured out how to ascend with White gals, and so the result is a more handsome hybrid. And I think height is one of the major attributes that allows them to ascend. Certainly, you aren't seeing as many short ethnics since they have not made it through the HeightPill genetic bottle - although their numbers are regenerated somewhat due to the short ethnic chicks being able to get impregnated by tall, White men. :mad:

Oh, here is Paris Hilton walking amongst the EthnicCels in India. :eek::eek:

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