My prediction for dating by 2028 and beyond the foreseeable future


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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You're the most pessimistic dude on this board? How's your love life man? I think you need to board a trip to Thailand or a province in Japan
I don't care for Asian chicks all that much, unless they have an anime look. :eek:

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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7). BOLD PREDICTON: White men will become the most active in interracial dating-

White men are going to call it quits with white women and start gravitating toward non-white women in large numbers. This shift will make things harder for Hispanic, Asian, and rogue Black men, as they’ll now be competing with white men for their own women. Meanwhile, white and assimilated women will become less open to dating in general. The only exceptions will be minority men who are deeply rooted in strong cultural or social circles where language, zip codes and traditions create a significant barrier to outside competition.
I disagree, in fact, I think the opposite will happen. White women who have been shamed relentlessly for decades by internet trolls, incels, bitter white men, and society at large will come out and go interracial in droves. It won't just be with black guys but literally any minority group out there. The Internet Alt Right is going to get such a rude awakening that I think it is going to lead to some massive society-wide issues.

You have already seen Latin music rise to the top in the past decade so while it used to be that white woman with a Latino was "ooohh she is dating that Mexican", now it is "oh she is dating Bad Bunny!". Then you have Asian guys with the Kpop expansion.

I notice that when I see white guys with Asian women or Latinas, barring exceptions, the chick is ugly AF or hopelessly insecure. A lot of times with Asian women it is an older couple or the girl is not even that hot, or its clearly that she is with him for the money.

Meanwhile, with younger people I see way more Asian dudes with white women.

Heck even Kash Patel of the FBI is dating a hot country music singer and the Alt Right isn't losing its mind over it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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TLDR Summary....It is over for men lol. I wish I could predict a happy ending, but I simply cannot.

I might have already covered this topic before, but I wanted to give an update now that the election is over. It hasn’t even been a month yet, but I think I’ve seen enough to confidently make a prediction about the future of dating. Several factors are shaping the dating landscape, including a declining quality of life for the average American—stagnant wages, lower education levels, reduced disposable income, unstable employment, toxic work cultures in traditionally stable jobs, and rising crime rates. Honestly, I think we’re heading toward a dystopian future similar to what we see in developed Asian countries, but with a Western twist.

However, this does not apply to minorities in entrenched cultural like a black guy living in inner city Baltimore or Hispanic living in the valley.

1). Herbivore Men will now be the normal-

Your average man will be overweight, socially awkward, addicted to some substance, stuck in a dead-end job (or reliant on UBI if that becomes a thing), living with roommates at best, undereducated, mentally checked out, and clinging to some male demi-god father figure for guidance.

2). Femcels will now be a thing-

Femcels already exist, but they’ve mostly been limited to the stereotypical "crazy cat lady" type. However, this culture is now crossing over to include average and even attractive women. The era of the single, independent "boss babe" is well past its peak. Your typical dateable single woman will lead a lonely, unfulfilling life, receiving less attention from men and rejecting the corporate hustle and casual dating scene that Millennial and Gen X women once embraced. If you want a glimpse of what this future looks like, check out this video or the solo camping vlogs that many Asian women are posting on YouTube. Invest in Pet stock lol.

3). People will have less sex, and Hedonistic activities will be limited to the lower class, certain communities, and Rich People- As many men hated feminism and the boss babe caricatures, this allowed all men to have access to casual sex at ease. With this in decline, you will see less casual sex in the dating environment which will make the game less fun.

4). Social Circles and Service jobs will be the only avenues to meeting women-

If you don’t have a healthy social circle, your best bet is to become a bartender, waiter, or take any job that constantly puts you in social situations with women. Otherwise, you’re completely cooked, lol.

5). Online Dating & Cold Approaching will be in the History Books-

Online dating will basically turn into Chatroulette for women—chaotic, full of dvck pics, and unreliable and just completely unusable for men—and may even cease to exist, except for niche apps like Seeking. Cold approaching will become extinct as women become less receptive to random interactions due to rising crime rates, social fatigue, and declining self-esteem. If you’re not already part of a woman’s social circle or community, your chances of interacting with her are practically zero.

6). Chads will convert to Tradcons, resulting in the official end of the Fvck Boy era-

Gen Z has a lower tolerance for f***boys and "bad boys" compared to Millennials and younger Gen X. This is largely because they’re poorer on average, and every guy their age is trying to imitate that persona. In a world of rising crime, stagnant wages, and skyrocketing living costs, traditional "bad boys" won’t thrive the way they once did. Instead, the new "Chad" will be a Herculean, ultra-disciplined, Alpha TradCon-type figure—one who embodies strength, stability, and traditional masculinity....Of course looks will still be the main factor.

7). BOLD PREDICTON: White men will become the most active in interracial dating-

White men are going to call it quits with white women and start gravitating toward non-white women in large numbers. This shift will make things harder for Hispanic, Asian, and rogue Black men, as they’ll now be competing with white men for their own women. Meanwhile, white and assimilated women will become less open to dating in general. The only exceptions will be minority men who are deeply rooted in strong cultural or social circles where language, zip codes and traditions create a significant barrier to outside competition.

8). Men suicides, depression and violent crimes will begin to be a major concern-

Unfortunately, it is easier today then it will be tomorrow. If you think there's going to be a happy ending for men in the future, then you have not been paying attention.

In this new environment, men will have two choices:
  1. Gamble the second half of their lives by diving into hedonistic communities—becoming a bartender, server, party boy, etc.
  2. Embrace temporary monogamy while leveling up until they reach a position where attracting high-SMV women requires minimal effort.
Dude I am seeing a big increase in white dudes with black chicks. I even saw this increase in Germany a few weeks back.

You might be right. White dudes are over the over entitiled white women. I have no problem with white dudes crossing over. If they can handle the attitude then more power to them lol.

Also yeh man. Women are cooked. There is an epidemic of lonely childless women and its only getting worse. When was the last time you saw a pregnant chick?

Leave it to women to have all the advantages and still mess it up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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This has already been happening but is likely to increase by 2028.

Femcel is really the wrong term for this. Very few females under menopause age lack sex. What women tend to lack is committed sex.

Chateau Heartiste had a term for these women. Insols - involuntary solitude.

The female insol and the male incel are roughly analogous. However, the female insol is rarely a social outcast and usually has acceptable social skills. She has some female friends and usually fits in somewhat well in social situations. This doesn't happen with male incels. The female insol is able to get sex if she's under menopause age.

Gen Z is already having less sex. Gen Y/Millennials have not had a great record on sex either. The two most recent generations have struggled in getting sex.
Yes "In sol" is a good term. They can get sex but they cant get a relationship leading to marriage. Marriage is their ultimate goal.
Its a womans #1 life goal.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I think there will be a segment of the population who will be hyper-competitive, who the future belongs to. The gap between the haves and have nots gets wider; that will cause serious problems legally and politically.

Life extension will be available to some people, that will change things in a big way. The chemical and biological sciences have been making strides while physics has been stagnate for decades.

Civilization will split into a new dark ages and a new renaissance. Those who can use their faculties effectively will own the future, those who lack self-efficacy will become increasingly superstitious and will demand institutions take care of them.

The people who 'get it' will be want things as they are, and those who are ineffective will either be pacified with technology or will be committing crimes.
Wow this sounds depressing. Basically real life Elysium.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I have a buddy who used to be 6'3, 230 pounds he used to be in awesome shape doing Brazilian jujutsu. However, two kids and divorce later he now is 300 pounds(dealing with crazy stress). The guy still bags some of the hottest women working as security in the club. For guys struggling with women working in the nightlife, is a cheat code! you will pull all sorts of women even above your weight class.

Personally I would not do it, it's one thing to work at nightclubs in your 20s versus your 40s
Is your friend in his 40s bagging hot chicks? Thats awesome. Good for him.

Club chicks are easy if you work with them. They are also more prone to personality disorders.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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There is an epidemic of lonely childless women and its only getting worse. When was the last time you saw a pregnant chick?
I saw a pregnant woman this past weekend at a small afterparty gathering to a major event in my city.

For the majority of men, the frequency of seeing a pregnant woman in public depends upon his social circle and the neighborhood where he lives.

I don't see pregnant women in public commonly. Even when my friends' wives were pregnant, I barely ever saw them in person during the pregnancy. I saw their pregnancies more on social media. That was even more true of my local acquaintances (the friends of my friends).

I live in a part of my city that is mainly unmarried people. While there are many people around the neighborhoods where I spend leisure time who have the marital status of single, many are in committed relationships. Some of these committed relationships involve an unmarried boyfriend and girlfriend living together. In the neighborhoods where I spend time, I tend to see more people in the pre-pregnancy phase of life. However, there's the occasional recently married couple that stays in the city long enough to have a child in the city. Most of these couples move out to the suburbs before the first child starts kindergarten for the better public school districts. These types of married couples are less common in my city, as I have noticed that more couples are already in the suburbs before the first pregnancy.

There are a couple of upscale neighborhoods within city limits that have families in them. In those neighborhoods, it would be more possible to see a pregnant woman.

In the suburbs of my city, there are plenty of women with children. Some of the suburban women with children come off of relationships formed in the city neighborhoods. However, a lot of the suburban women are transplants from other USA states (and some internationally) who formed their relationships elsewhere, got married elsewhere, and had their children elsewhere. They are moving to the suburbs in my area with young children much of the time.

2020 and 2021 saw low birth rates in general in the USA (and likely also in other Western nations). By 2020-2021, the youngest members of Generation X had turned 40 and were at the tail of fertility. There were a lot of missing conceptions due to fear of the pandemic during 2020 and uncertainty around jobs and the economy at large. There's less motivation for a couple to conceive if one or both members of it have unemployment or the looming threat of unemployment. Unemployment was common with the pandemic. In Fall 2025 and Fall 2026, there are going to see some small kindergarten classes due to the pandemic.

There was a bit of rebound in 2022 as things appeared a little bit more settled in the world at large around late 2021/early 2022. In general, 2022-2023 were not great years for fertility either. The people who were having children in 2022-2023 were mainly bougie 1980s born earlier Millennial White women having their "Last Call" babies. I saw this trend in my social circles in 2022-2023 (see Pregnancy Announcements Everywhere) thread.

While Millennials haven't been a fertile group in general, most Millennial women have managed to squeeze out 1.4-1.6 children, often in a "Last Call" type scenario. With the Millennial generation, more women went to and graduated from college. Going to college and getting a career started (justifying expensive tuition in the Millennial era) postponed fertility. Millennial women who graduated college typically weren't having babies before their 30th birthday. White Millennial women have been well known for having their 1.4-1.6 children in their 30s.

"In sol" is a good term. They can get sex but they cant get a relationship leading to marriage. Marriage is their ultimate goal.
Its a womans #1 life goal.
As a reminder to those joining in the middle of this thread, insol means involuntary solitude. Solitude may or may not be an indicator of sexlessness for women.

Women who are insols (perpetually single with numerous shorter term relationships - sometimes committed) are often not lacking for sex. This is true when they are under menopause age. Millennial women are still under menopause age.

Bougie, White Millennial women typically won't do motherhood on their own initially. While many bougie White women end up as divorced females, they aren't typically getting divorced until their oldest child is somewhere in elementary school or junior high.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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As someone who’s around young men and women on a daily basis (under 35) let me add my 2 cents.

Yes there is a good percentage of men and women who are socially awkward and inept.
But a vast majority of young men are highly educated and very aware of the dating scene. This is the reason we are seeing more and more single women . The men aren’t taking the bate.

The men are jaded and the women are bitter. Everyone’s been teased with a future that doesn’t exist. All the air has been sucked out the room. Men are able to deal with it by facing the facts of life while women are beyond mind ****ed.

In 5 years the entire world culture has changed and it won’t be until at least 2030 before things get back on track. That’s a good 10 years of uncertainty and hard times. And arguably the most informative years of a human 20-35 have been robbed from genz and late millennials.

We basically have a rouge group of people on earth that have been thrown into the fire for the benefit of old rich men.

what ever happens will stay that way till the end of the century until gen z gets into power . That’s when I’d be worried about an end of the world scenario considering these people will be so mind ****ed.

They’ll make the narcissistic baby boomers look like child’s play. Gen z will be stone cold sociopaths at this rate.

Young people today won’t see the light till the last baby boomers are out of power. So give or take 10-20 years?

Best thing to do now is weather the storm.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I disagree, in fact, I think the opposite will happen. White women who have been shamed relentlessly for decades by internet trolls, incels, bitter white men, and society at large will come out and go interracial in droves. It won't just be with black guys but literally any minority group out there. The Internet Alt Right is going to get such a rude awakening that I think it is going to lead to some massive society-wide issues.

You have already seen Latin music rise to the top in the past decade so while it used to be that white woman with a Latino was "ooohh she is dating that Mexican", now it is "oh she is dating Bad Bunny!". Then you have Asian guys with the Kpop expansion.

I notice that when I see white guys with Asian women or Latinas, barring exceptions, the chick is ugly AF or hopelessly insecure. A lot of times with Asian women it is an older couple or the girl is not even that hot, or its clearly that she is with him for the money.

Meanwhile, with younger people I see way more Asian dudes with white women.

Heck even Kash Patel of the FBI is dating a hot country music singer and the Alt Right isn't losing its mind over it.
One thing I've learned about white women (WW) over the years—living in a mostly white town and dating them from various socioeconomic groups—is that they tend to be the most race-loyal (stats even support this, while Asian women are the least race-loyal). If WW date outside their race, they usually upgrade in terms of looks, money, or both. They do take a massive status hit dating a minority hene most WW, even if the minority they dating/marrying is rich. Most WW are not going to downgrade.

As for WW who are undesirable or overweight, they go where they are celebrated rather than just tolerated. White men don’t typically go for "fat Karen" types unless they are broke or have no options. WW know this, which is why they tend to go to the gym more than women of other races/ethnicities.

I think Gen Z women in general (not just WW) are more open-minded about interracial dating. However, in the future, if you see more WW dating outside their race, it will likely be because they are choosing men who are financially stable or economically attractive, especially as the cost of living continues to rise.

In 5 years the entire world culture has changed and it won’t be until at least 2030 before things get back on track. That’s a good 10 years of uncertainty and hard times. And arguably the most informative years of a human 20-35 have been robbed from genz and late millennials.

We basically have a rouge group of people on earth that have been thrown into the fire for the benefit of old rich men.

what ever happens will stay that way till the end of the century until gen z gets into power . That’s when I’d be worried about an end of the world scenario considering these people will be so mind ****ed.

They’ll make the narcissistic baby boomers look like child’s play. Gen z will be stone cold sociopaths at this rate.

Young people today won’t see the light till the last baby boomers are out of power. So give or take 10-20 years?

Best thing to do now is weather the storm.
I think what you're saying is spot on, I mentor a couple of Gen-Z guys myself. Here is more of what I think will happen within the next 5 years and beyond

  • Hard economic times that will begin sometime this year or next year
  • People will continue to move to rural areas and small towns the numbers are already trending (e.g., Idaho, Tennessee, and the Midwest).
  • As city living becomes too expensive and people can work remotely this makes sense. I know not everyone works remotely however the housing affordability crisis is not sustainable for average wage workers to live in states like Florida, California, New York, Illinois etc are experiencing mass exodus cause people just can't afford to live in those places anymore
  • Men who have their stuff together, especially in regards to being able to take care of themselves or have the means to support families will be considered attractive. I'm not saying you have to be rich. However look at the stats of how many men who are 18-35 who live at home, don't have a job(or work low-paying jobs, where they can't even support themselves). These numbers will continue to rise. If a guy has a good/solid job, car, not fat, he is going to stand out.
  • We have already in the last 5 years seen a rise of "Trad" content with women, women are not dumb. Most women who want a man who is doing well know that they won't get that type of guy by being a raging feminist, with tattoos and nose rings. Don't be shocked to see more women reinventing themselves as trad or conservative. Once AI becomes fully integrated in society the "Boss Babe" lifestyle is dead. You're already seeing them get rid of DEI, once Arfitflical intelligence becomes mainstream it's going to change everything


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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One thing I've learned about white women (WW) over the years—living in a mostly white town and dating them from various socioeconomic groups—is that they tend to be the most race-loyal (stats even support this, while Asian women are the least race-loyal). If WW date outside their race, they usually upgrade in terms of looks, money, or both. They do take a massive status hit dating a minority hene most WW, even if the minority they dating/marrying is rich. Most WW are not going to downgrade.

As for WW who are undesirable or overweight, they go where they are celebrated rather than just tolerated. White men don’t typically go for "fat Karen" types unless they are broke or have no options. WW know this, which is why they tend to go to the gym more than women of other races/ethnicities.

I think Gen Z women in general (not just WW) are more open-minded about interracial dating. However, in the future, if you see more WW dating outside their race, it will likely be because they are choosing men who are financially stable or economically attractive, especially as the cost of living continues to rise.

I think what you're saying is spot on, I mentor a couple of Gen-Z guys myself. Here is more of what I think will happen within the next 5 years and beyond

  • Hard economic times that will begin sometime this year or next year
  • People will continue to move to rural areas and small towns the numbers are already trending (e.g., Idaho, Tennessee, and the Midwest).
  • As city living becomes too expensive and people can work remotely this makes sense. I know not everyone works remotely however the housing affordability crisis is not sustainable for average wage workers to live in states like Florida, California, New York, Illinois etc are experiencing mass exodus cause people just can't afford to live in those places anymore
  • Men who have their stuff together, especially in regards to being able to take care of themselves or have the means to support families will be considered attractive. I'm not saying you have to be rich. However look at the stats of how many men who are 18-35 who live at home, don't have a job(or work low-paying jobs, where they can't even support themselves). These numbers will continue to rise. If a guy has a good/solid job, car, not fat, he is going to stand out.
  • We have already in the last 5 years seen a rise of "Trad" content with women, women are not dumb. Most women who want a man who is doing well know that they won't get that type of guy by being a raging feminist, with tattoos and nose rings. Don't be shocked to see more women reinventing themselves as trad or conservative. Once AI becomes fully integrated in society the "Boss Babe" lifestyle is dead. You're already seeing them get rid of DEI, once Arfitflical intelligence becomes mainstream it's going to change everything
So kind of like we will be expecting more MAGA babes in the near future. Women who will be embracing more traditional values, homemaking, and femininity, and position themselves as ideal wives.

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Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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One thing I've learned about white women (WW) over the years—living in a mostly white town and dating them from various socioeconomic groups—is that they tend to be the most race-loyal (stats even support this, while Asian women are the least race-loyal). If WW date outside their race, they usually upgrade in terms of looks, money, or both. They do take a massive status hit dating a minority hene most WW, even if the minority they dating/marrying is rich. Most WW are not going to downgrade.
Just looked at your link, that is from 2008. I can tell you that since then, things have changed immensely in terms of white women going interracial. Whether I was in NYC or in Miami, I have seen an exponential rise in White women going interracial and it is typically in the younger generation. Like 2008 may as well have been 30 years ago if anything because the world has changed in a massive way since then.

What I am noticing is that White Women saw White Men having all the fun for decades and at some point, just flat out rebelled. It used to be that they only went for Black dudes when going interracial but these days, Asian men with White women is on the rise as well as other kinds of ethnic men. I think with every passing generation, Gen Z and onward, White women are going to rebel big time and go interracial.

Plus, a lot of men of minority groups are rising as well in society. Asian men have been doing well but I notice with Black men, there are more and more rising to positions of power.

Heck, even Trump's Right Wing movement hired Kash Patel as the Director Of FBI! And look who Kash is dating lol.


Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
So kind of like we will be expecting more MAGA babes in the near future. Women who will be embracing more traditional values, homemaking, and femininity, and position themselves as ideal wives.

View attachment 14099
The irony is that these MAGA Republican type of white girls are susceptible to going interracial compared to the Liberal Karen types. Even Ann Coulter dated Dnesh D'Souza, the same Ann Coulter that tells Vivek she won't ever vote for him because he is an Indian.

White women are going to rebel big time in the coming decade and go interracial in droves. It is going to drive the incels, closeted racists on the left, and especially women of color insane.

I see a massive backlash coming from hypocritical Asian and Latina women once this happens in droves.