I see some men arguing, while others withdraw.
This suggests that it is not an innate men quality.
Does withdrawal stem from security or insecurity?
I think both arguing and withdrawing when YOU feel disrespected or wronged can be extremely destructive to a relationship whether casual, serious or something in between.
When YOU feel disrespected and I specify "you" as another man may not feel disrespected by the same behavior, there is no need to argue or harshly "lay down the law."
As humans beings, I'd like to think we have evolved since caveman days ffs.
Withdrawing (silence and distance) reflects lack of balls and
fear/lack of a willingness to directly confront; it's what women do, it's passive-aggressive, and I'm a woman saying this! It's "feminine" behavior.
For me, I view it as weak and cowardly (a turn off and I say this sincerely) versus strong and masculine.
Strong and masculine is assertively (
not aggressively or angrily) stating why YOU felt disrespected, what YOUR particular boundaries/expectations are, giving her a chance to apologize (assuming she feels the boundary is reasonable)
and correct the behavior.
OR walk way gracefully if she feels your boundary/expectation is too much for her and doesn't align with HER values or standards.
All distancing does is exacerbate her insecurity and yes absolutely there are insecure women who will go chasing you when you withdraw! No question!
But it won't actually resolve anyyhing, she won't learn anything, it will just cause more fear and insecurity. It's actually quite manipulative.
Given that what one man considers disrespectful may
not be considered disrespectful to another man, she may not realize her behavior was disrespectful to YOU, which is precisely why you need to communicate directly and assertively.
IF she becomes bytchy and defensive, it's
then you should withdraw or better yet just dump her and find a better woman!
To requote what Atom Smasher (a highly respected former member here) said:
>>You need to judge every woman for her words and actions, and hold her responsible for both. I mean every single woman you come in contact with.
Let them see (know) that you are judging them. This is counterintuitive. Instead of repelling women, you will be attracting them.
There is a way to judge while still being friendly, open, and gentlemanly. Dealing with women successfully always involves doing the counterintuitive thing.<<
Wise words.