The dating apps are designed to make people unsatisfied and pay and stay on them forever.
Apps aren't meant for finding somewhat sustainable love. It's an achievement to even get a 1-2 year relationship off of an app.
There are many men and women who have bad experiences on apps. The bad experiences that they have on apps are different. Most men are invisible on apps. Most men struggle to arrange dates. It's also common for men to have a lot of "1-2 date, no sex, no extended relationship" type interactions off of apps.
A small percentage of men do quite well on apps, enjoying as much sex as they want from women. Some top tier men will be hyper efficient and hyper effective on the apps.
For women, the problem isn't getting dates or sex off of the apps. There are many examples of women who get a small to moderate amount of attention offline and then get a large amount of attention on the apps. While women can get more dates and more sex by using apps, they often don't feel satisfied with the overall outcomes off of the increased level of activity. Some women end up as penis carousel riders, getting sex from top tier men but not getting the extended relationships they desire.
Either way leads to dissatisfaction.
IG and other social media will probably displace OLD, if anything. But social media has stagnated too and i don't think any new platforms will ever be successful, every single new platform from the past decade had been a flop.
IG isn't a good format for the majority of men either.
To be successful in sending DMs on IG, a man needs....
- High quality photos and videos (this is also a swipe app issue for men)
- More Followers than accounts followed. Most men follow more accounts as compared to their number of Followers.
- A decent quantity of Followers. While something like 30 Followers while only following 15 accounts is a good ratio from the bullet point above, that Follower count isn't going to impress attractive women who typically have 1,000+ Followers.
- A public profile
Its hard to know what will happen. Its possible things like speed dating and local single events will make a comeback but i doubt it.
Unlikely. I see speed dating events and local single events popping up on my Instagram feed.
Simple Google searches reveal much bad feedback from previous event participants.
Mostly every unattached person has dealt with this. The potential invitation to a "singles event" or "singles mixer". It is a chance for unattached people to meet. It's not a general night out at a bar, which has unattached people interspersed with attached people. Everyone here is unattached by...
I think the word has gotten out that these types of events are unpleasant experiences for both sexes.
didnt bumbles stock price crash 90 percent?
Bumble and Match Group have both seen major stock price declines.