Had some thought about this - for the moment I'm enjoying the ride, and I'm taking a step back here and allowing her to show some more skin in.
So some more background and input into the various questions:
"How have you "hinted" and how exactly was/is she resisting?"
1) I said I wanted to see her 4 days after a meet. She said 'perhaps', then when were parting she said she was doing whatever the heck she was on that day and it's fine to meet after and she suggested day 6 and 7. I picked 7 because 6 wasn't available.
2) On date 2 (when we were vibing really well, she wanted to come home with me but I said I couldn't) i said we could meet 4 days after or sooner if she can host. She said day 6 or 7 once again. we ended up with 6.
"Does she know you're spinning another plate? The clingy insecure girl? Women have a sixth sense about stuff like that."
No, she doesn't. Also I'm spinning a third one regularly (a 35 year old).
On date 1 she asked how is my dating and I said something like "I'm enjoying it, and I'm open to finding the right person".
At one of the dates (3 i think?) She did ask point blank whether I was on dating apps and I said no (I said i hate those I like knowing people in person, and that's the truth). I think the lack of any inquisitiveness on my side also took her back - I didn't ask her back whether she was on dating apps. I didn't ask her whether she was seeing others, and there is no way I'm ever gonna do that.
She was also quite inquisitive about how I spent the last 2 night on our last meet in a way that I sensed had ulterior motives (but could also be passed as chattiness).
she is also super careful not to hint at anything like seeing other dudes on her side. I have no idea whether she does. Whenever she mentions being busy on a night she makes a point of talking of a "girlfriend".
The reality is that this girl has tight game and she knows it.
And the reality is that she could get a lot of people if she wanted. There wasn't a single social function where I saw her and she hasn't had the attention of a LOT of dudes, however evasive she is.
Per my and @BeExcellent posts she may be expecting you to Lead at least until exclusivity. Which means she's not gonna initiate, she waits for you to initiate, and she responds by accepting and being fun, sexy, engaging, warm and giving on your dates.
that's the current dynamic and I like it. I must stress in person she is super warm, receptive, engaging, conversational, breaks silences, inquisitive, has a flirtatious teasy vibe that we exchange and i like, and is fun as you say. We always have a blast in person. In
text - dry as hell.
But we're nowhere near where I can initiate an exclusivity talk - it's been 5-6 weeks, she hasn't hinted at it, I have no idea what she is doing in the week stretches that we are not seeing each other, I don't know for a fact she isn't seeing other dudes, and I'm not going to be exclusive with a girl who can't see me more than once a week.
How we met and probably how/why she was attracted:
She was in the periphery of my work social circle, and in retrospect after I didn't pay much attention to her a few times(I HATE competing for a girls attention) , at a work party I turn my head to find her literally behind me feigning clumsy ignorance in the familiar way only women can do. I chat her up, one thing led to another and we ended up heavily making out. We exchanged numbers and had a couple of texts that didn't lead much, because I was busy at the time and I didn't feel much receptiveness from her side (took like 2 days to text me back). She did walk up to me and say hi one time and I somewhat blew her off (i wasn't engaging) - that was probably not cool in hindsight. So that was the end of it back then. I may have misread her apparent lack of interest at the time but I had other options and I’m used to girls showing way more interest.
Since we met a few times at work functions, and on most recent occasions she complimented my appearance. The manner of the compliments was what can I say, a little too familiar to me (I get a lot of that and I learnt to just screen it out). She did it twice in the last event so grabbed her and I told her I'm going to take you out properly and here we go.
She hasn't ever had a long term relationship, and she is into her career. She doesn't want to see you that often. Those don't make for the best women in committed relationships. Overtime you will see she lacks feminine traits.
There is truth here - she is certainly career driven, has somewhat of a busy social life, and the reality is that she has an abundance of supply. However, I outrank her quite a bit in her career path, have an awesome life around me, and I have a lot more to give her than her give me, and that's ok - I'm happy for her to be the pretty gracious feminine girl in my life if she can fulfill that role.