That is on you to do an honest self assessment if in fact what she says is true. Also, "passing time together neve being enough" is subjective, enough for you is not the same for her, no two people are equal.
Your mission, you hobbies, friends & family must go first that than a girlfriend. The amount of time is very subjective, What I can tell you is this, when you're with her, have the much fun you can without expecting anything in return like sex or affection, you should enjoy her company first, of course you want sex, but enjoying her for what she is as a person you like should be the priority, sex is a moment only and gets old really fast.
I want you to get this. It will never be enough.
A flower today is a gift tomorrow, then necklace on her birthday, a purse on anniversaries, a car when you get married, a house when you have kids, then another car.... and so on. I will never be enough, you have to do/give what you can without shame or guilt, and what you can do/give, do it because you want to, because you wanna make another person happy, and not as a disguise to buy her affection.
This is a game, this is a strategy, it will never work and it will backfire. The mere thinking of being detached shows that you are very attached. Is is shameful to be attached to somebody? Why? If you are attached to her, own it, don't try trick the other person you are not, if you want to be detached, you have to work to be detached by changing attitude first and then the identity will follow, when you are detached you won't have to think about it, you just are.
Own the frame you have, not the one you wanna have, to have that frame you work hard for it.
100% agree but only happens when both to a relationship to give without expecting anything in return.
There are particular stages in live in which you have a goal, of becoming better, for you, for yourself, you know that you own it to yourself. Then you start working hard for it, then eventually you start to feel it, and this is crazy, you start to literally feel your brain rewiring itself for what you want, after some time you start to notice things that you didn't recognize before, in other words you start to see the flaws of the person, in which you have to decide whether to accept them or not.