One slip.
That's all it takes.
One slip, and it is all over. You are nexted.
You are always under severe scrutiny. Always. People are waiting for you to fail.
They want you to fail. It can't be, you can't be that awesome.
You must fail. Why does he not fail?
And you don't.
But, you make a remark about that dress. You overpush push and pull. You let your guard down for a minute.
That is it.
That is all they need.
After that, they will run to their little coven, telling what you've done. And that will be digested and analysed, and debated, again, under severe scrutiny, and sadly, against you. Her friends, her exes, her orbiters, her sisters, her brothers, mothers, your mutual friends, her kid. You name it.
And everyone, and I mean, everyone is against you.
With that said and done, that is enough reason for her to go cold, get distanced, and sooner than later, fvck the next guy.
By then, it's bella ciao!
Whats even worse is, you never know what have you actually done. She is not coming back to tell you, it was that remark.
Leaving you to guess what the f just happened.
It does not matter how great you are, how awesome you can be, nothing. Nothing matters against the reasoning of the coven.
It took enourmos proportions by now.
Since they have infinite ammount of options, they would not care to call you and say, babe, there is something wrong. This and this happened.
They will just default to default. Flaky, cold, distance... and the eventual penis.
And that is how you are nexted
And also that's why they are so screwed up in their minds. Because they are forever stuck in this cycle.
How do you prevent that?
You don't. They are always looking for something to go wrong. And since they are hellbent on that, they will find it, you like it or not.
The only thing you can do is:
Spin plates yourself. Always have a plan b, and c. And dump the btch as soon as things get lukewarm, 'cause that's the first warning.
If you walk away at the first sign of disrespect, then you might have the chance to keep balls rolling for a longer period.
But don't hold on to that feeling. You just gained another day. Remember what is their default.
Use this approach in life. Keep winning!